Chapter 23

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"It looks like he's here!" Nick said, laughing joyfully.

"What's going on? Who's here?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows, completely ignoring that Nick was carrying me, for now of course.

"Look." He said nodding his head forward to show me which direction I should be looking.

We were currently in front of the open window, with the curtains wide open. A cool breeze blew past; it felt like it was getting colder by the minute.

"I can't see anything," I told him, my eyes squinted. It was late at night and it looked like it was going to snow soon. I could barely make out the moon.

"You're not looking hard enough- stop trying to look with your physical senses-to see this you'll need to look with your heart, not this." He said brushing his forehead against mine. "Look the children can see it." He stated.

I looked at him then back outside "I don't even know what I'm trying to see." I complained and began shivering, even in his arms.

"Maybe, this will help." He said, a cool breath of air coming out of his mouth.

A moment later, the lights went off, and I was suddenly wrapped in a fuzzy blanket and socks.

"I'll never get used to that," I said with my eyes widened. I had been so busy with my family drama that I hadn't given Nick and his powers and all that, a thought.

"Brandon! Get inside!" I heard someone shout from below. Parents or older members of the family were currently trying to pull the kids inside who seemed to be going wild over... nothing?

"Grown-ups have a hard time seeing because they're too focused on everything going on in their lives; they barely take a moment to take in what's really around them, the magic right in front of them, if you will," Nick spoke and slowly began putting me down.

"Children, on the other hand." He pointed down to the commotion. "They are in a way, always looking for magic. They're always curious." He placed his hands on my shoulders, standing behind me.

"Try again." He spoke, his lips briefly brushing my ear. "This time, clear your head or try to think about something that makes you happy."

I let out a long sigh and did as he said. I couldn't think of anything happy at the moment so I just focused on clearing my head. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths.

"Okay. I'm going to open my eyes now." I announced and opened my eyes.

At first, I didn't notice anything drastic. It started with small red and gold glitter seeming to flow around.

I put my hands on the window sill, head sticking out to get a better view. "What is that?" I asked, my mouth hanging open.

"Just watch," Nick said, standing beside me with a wide smile, my reaction seeming to have pleased him.

After a few seconds, I saw a -no, there were two! Two looked like reindeer at first glance, but one had a red nose and was connected to a beautiful red and green sleigh with gold and wooden accents. The other reindeer was playing with the children, none of its hooves touching the ground.

"No way..." I said in shock. I couldn't believe my eyes. It can't be, none of this was real.

A waving Tom from the sleigh said otherwise. He looked like he was holding the reigns which was connected to the red-nosed reindeer. This time he was half the size of the "man" I'd seen him as last time.

"I-" I didn't know what to see; I was completely speechless.

"Come on, let's talk," Nick said, guiding me to the edge of the bed, where we sat. The lights turned on by themselves.

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