❄️Chapter 1❄️

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"Oh no no no!" I repeated after I checked the time on my phone then threw it in a random direction,
I rarely woke up this late.

"Why did I think that I could start a K-drama without binging like a normal person?" I spoke to myself while getting ready. Just then my doorbell rang and I knew exactly who it was. "Come in!" I yelled from the other side of my apartment.

"You're not ready yet? We're going to miss them." My best friend, Sam said while coming in with a bowl of cereal.

Sam had similar dark brown skin to me but she had a bigger and curvier frame. Her hair had a freshly cut maroon afro while I still had dark brown braids which were begging to be let go. We met on campus years ago and have been best friends ever since.

"Says the one eating breakfast." I answered while finishing up my makeup.

"Hey, these are for you. I know you haven't eaten yet so I'm just helping you out." She said and shoved her 3rd or 4th spoon of cereal in her mouth.

I rolled my eyes smiling and was about to comment when I heard my phone ringing from somewhere around my apartment.

I spent some time looking for it then when I finally found it, I answered quickly assuming it was a call from work. "Good Morning, Caroline speaking" I said using my office voice.

"Finally! Why should it be so hard for me to contact my daughter!" My mom's voice said through the phone, this is what I get for not checking caller ID.

"Oh, Mom... Hi. I've just been a bit busy that's all." I said and continued getting ready.

"Is your boss overworking you again? Or are you just spending too much time on those devices?" She asked knowingly.

"What? No, it's neither of those things." I lied "I've just been exploring the city more." I continued then whispered to Sam. "Lets go." I grabbed my purse and a coat.

"I wish you'd come visit more." She said with a sigh. "Mom, you know I can't do that. Well, not right now anyway." I answered knowing exactly where this conversation was headed.

"I know, I know. But it's been a year already, everyone's ready to move on." she said so easily which honestly offended me.

Well, not everyone was in the same position as me.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Mom, I don't want to get into this right now." I said while walking out of the apartment with Sam.

"Okay, let us not go into it." she thankfully agreed then added. "But what about the guy you told me about last time? Are you still coming with him to the Christmas Dinner?"

"Ah Finally, the real reason you called." I said smiling a bit. "Yes, Mom I'm still coming with my Mystery guy." I answered...I just had to find him first.

A while ago when I was on the phone with my mom she kept bringing up how worried she was about me staying single and never being able to move on because of the end results of my last relationship.

So to prove her wrong and to keep her from stressing or rather stressing me out, I lied saying that I was seeing someone. It doesn't hurt that she can freely tell the rest of our family members that I've happily moved on, and I'm no more the 'OMG her sister's engaged to her ex she must be so heartbroken' niece.

"Great! I can't wait to meet him!" She said excitedly and I kind of felt guilty. "Also, I wanted to know that your sister and Keith will be there." She quickly added.

I didn't know what to say to that immediately because I couldn't even lie that I was okay with seeing them. The thought of actually seeing those two again made me physically sick. I felt a hand and my shoulder and saw Sam giving me a worried look "Are you good?" She asked and I just fake smiled and nodded.

Falling for Santa's SonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora