Chapter 38

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Carol's POV

A soft tapping woke me up. So, I reluctantly prepared to get out of bed but before I was completely out, I looked besides me. Obviously, Nick wasn't there. He did say he would give me some space. I don't know why I looked there but the empty space beside made  me feel a bit lonely.

A part of me was wishing that yesterday didn't happen. I rubbed my eyes trying to wake myself up. The soft knocking on the door still continued.

"Come in." I said loudly, so whoever was so persistently trying to wake me up, could hear. I didn't even wonder who it was.

There was a small piece of paper occupying the space beside me. I grabbed it while the door knob turned. It was a letter left by Nick, the content went as followed:

I'm not sure when you'll be reading this but I probably won't be around when you wake up. I wanted to tell you yesterday that I won and that there's an announcing ceremony today. But Since you aren't feeling well I figured that you wouldn't be able to come. Holly, won't be around either. Right after the event everyone going straight to the warehouse for the final preparations for tonight (Christmas Eve). I'll come see you before then. Rest well.

–Love, Nick.

My eyes lingered on the 'love, Nick' and I folded the piece of paper and placed it on the bedside table.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you." A Elf women came in, keeping her gaze on the ground. "There isn't anyone else around..." She began, while still avoiding my eyes.

I felt awkward with her shyness and got up. "Hey, you're good. You didn't disturb me. My name's Carol. What's your name?" I asked her, to help levitate the mood.

It seemed to work because she finally looked up at me. "My name's Theresa." She said.

I smiled at her. "It's nice to meet you. How can I help you?"

She returned the smile and then quickly spoke. "Oh! There's someone at the door looking for you. Usually we'd ask or tell one of the Claus first but since you're the only one here..." She trailed off as she moved out the door way.

According to Nick's note I was the only one home. But who would be coming here now? Wouldn't everyone be at the ceremony?

"Okay, I got it. Let me grab a jacket." I told her as I looked for jacket and some house shoes.

She waited for me patiently and once I was ready she lead me out the room and I thought to myself again while following her.

Who could be at the door? Well, who ever it is let's just deal with them so I can go back to sleep.

Once we got downstairs I couldn't belive who stood at the doorway.

"Grace? What are you doing here?" I asked her as I continued walking down the stairs. I didn't bother greeting seeing as I knew she didn't like me and we both just tolerated each other.

"Good to see you, too." She said with a phony smile.

"What did you come here for?" I asked her. She must have come here intentionally knowing that I'd be home alone. So, it must have something to do with me.

"Oh." she briefly looked away before clearing her throat. "Uhm, there's been a change in the competition, even though the results are set there's a separate last-minute competition for us, the partners."

I raised my eyebrows."Really?" I don't know how much I can or should trust her. "But aren't they announcing that Nick won right now? Why would we need to do anything now?" I asked suspiciously. It didn't make sense.

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