Chapter 40

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Nick's POV

I just barely managed to convince my father to please take over for me for the night. He had some doubts about if I was okay with not going but I think he understood where I was coming from.

The first, world sleigh ride was the most important for every Santa. And I knew that if I missed this one I'd probably be replaced as Santa immediately.

I knew all that, and it would be hard to deal with, and it probably didn't make any sense, but I just needed to be with Carol right now, to show her by my actions how much I truly cared about her and valued our relationship. I needed to make it so clear that what she feels for me is exactly what I feel for her.

I need her to know that I love her.

I got home and immediately walked to the room. But when I got there Holly stood with her shoulders slumped outside with the door open.

"Nick, Carol's Go,ne," She said, wringing her hands. "I'm sorry. I even said I'd watch over her, but someone said she went to Mom, but Mom won't tell me what happened." She spoke as I went into the room.g

I looked around the empty room, and the only sign of Carol was a large suitcase, but the rest of her stuff was gone.

I frowned and rubbed the nape of my neck.

This was getting exhausting. I didn't even think she had the thought of leaving even after our conversation, which I will admit was one-sided, but that's exactly why I came back.

I walked to the home office, to where I knew my mother would be.

I didn't bother knocking and immediately went inside the room, she sat on the couch examining a snow globe.

"Where is she?" I asked with no emotion in my tone.

When I walked in the room she had this sort of knowing smile on her face. And now she was laughing.

"I had a sort of bet with Carol, not that she acknowledged it." She put the snow globe down. "She didn't believe that you'd come after her. She was so sure that you'd choose...well 'work'."

"Which is what I wished for," she sighed. "But I knew you'd be back and couldn't help add more events to the love story." Her laugh sounded bitter this time.

"I am the villain after all." She sighed.

"Mother," I said, hoping my voice would tell her that I didn't have the time nor the energy to entertain her inner Monologue.

She threw her head back. "I sent her back home." She stated and before I could even act. "But you know that the portal only works once a day, so you won't be able to go straight to her."

My mother looked at me seriously, as if she was trying to anticipate my actions. She probably already guessed that I had already told everyone that I wouldn't go out tonight and added. "Maybe you can see her after you've delivered all the gifts, which should be anytime from now by the way." She got up and tugged my arm.

"You've seen that she's not here, so just move on for now." She ushered me.

I didn't move at first but got going when a plan already began formulating in my head.

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