Chapter 29

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Carols POV

We walked a couple of miles with the occasional sight of a few animals and no people. It was scary with how dark and cold it was getting by the minute, but the few tree lamps did provide some comfort.

"We're definitely getting closer!" Billy said confidently as he tugged on my arm. We passed the Elf workshop a while ago and it was still suspiciously quiet.

"Billy, are you sure we're going the right way?" I asked him as I dragged my feet in and out the snow.

"Yup! Don't worry about it." He grinned as he walked much more smoothly in the snow.

That didn't do anything for my anxiety. I was the one who was to be suppose to be telling him that. I did try to convince him when we were by the workshop to wait for someone but then he said that he would be fine going alone and probably would've, if I hadn't insisted on escorting him.

"If you say so." I replied with a defeated sigh.

Billy continued to walk lightly on top of the snow, barely making a sound with his foot steps. He was obviously smaller as a child and being an elf gave him an advantage but I could somehow tell by his long breaths that he was getting tired.

"So-" I was just about to ask him a question but he interupted and startled me with a loud shout.

"We're almost there! To elf town!" He cheered, jumping up and down.

Elf Town? Is that where we've been headed?

I looked on up ahead to see a bright red ball of light. It was blinding and at some point, I had to squint to try to see clearly, but I still couldn't tell you what it said.

I noticed Billy struggling to walk in the snow now. I get that he was excited to get home but the energy which carried him all the way was running low. A feeling I was very familiar with.

"Come on, Billy." I bent down and pointed to my back. "I'll carry you the rest of the way." I told him and didn't miss his eyes lighting up briefly before he looked away, cheeks red.

"I'm not a kid that needs to be carried. I can walk the rest of the way just fine." He huffed and looked at me accusingly like I said the worst thing ever.

I covered my mouth to cover the laugh I wanted to let out. Then I cleared my throat before speaking.

"No, no. You must be misunderstanding me." I stood up straight, dusting off the snow on my knees. "I figured that I'd help you out since you helped me find safety. I mean have you ever heard of a kid leading a grown up anywhere?" I continued with the flattery.

"Not to mention through a dark snowing forest? I haven't but if you don't want my help that's fine." I said shrugging.

Billy was now looking at me with curious eyes but then looked away and shyly scratched his cheek.

"W..Well if you keep on insisting." He muttered.

This time I couldn't help the smile that came onto my face as I bent down again to help and gave him a chance to get on my back.

After we got that out of the way, it was slightly easier to move forward to our destination with it being visible ahead. There was a beautiful, large, red and glowing sign displaying:

'Welcome to Elf Town!'

Ah. So that was the blinding light from earlier.

"Almost...there!" I dragged out the words with the same breath and effort I was using to pulled my legs in and out the snow.

When I looked ahead and noticed that there were finally people or Elves nearby, thankfully. I almost cheered out of joy.

They noticed us and came rushing over. I only saw them more clearly when they were closer and there was one taller figure.

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