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(Melanie's POV, I will say 'riders lullaby' from centaur world came to mind in this chapter, I think you'll see which part also pinks 'circle game' was playing when I wrote the last part and my heart is in shambles )

I gagged as the medic used a flat piece of wood to examine my mouth. She grumbled quietly, handing me a glass of lukewarm water, I frowned, holding it in my slightly shaky hand, hating how she has no care when she does stuff like that.

"Haven't shown any sign of sickness for a day. If you miraculously get sick again, I'll lock you in isolation to get better in there" she grumbled, I looked at the water, sipping it slowly. She really is sick of seeing me, she would probably prefer if I keeled over in a ditch than bother her again.

"The rookies are back for you" spoke a voice, I looked up, it was the female guard. I looked at my shackled wrist and the now relieved-looking medic.

"Get her out of here, I'm sick of her face" commanded the medic, the guard nodded, un-shackling my wrist, the indent of the shackle leaving red marks on my skin. The guard ushered me out, I looked back at her, she didn't seem to be really paying attention to me. She's probably the nicest one here as far as I can tell.

"I hope I didn't cause you to get too sick" I mumbled, trying to see if she would be receptive or not.

"Huh? Oh, I was fine... After a few minutes" she mumbled, she didn't really look at me as she spoke, continuing to walk to the entrance. We stepped out to the entrance, Connor, Dylan and the group stood there, Connor had an odd look in his eyes. I examined them, glancing at the man at the counter, he scowled at me.

I walked towards Connor, it's so awkward, how should I act? Do I say hi? Do I beg them to keep me as far away from this place, that medic, and my mum as possible?

"You irritated your stitches again?" Asked Connor, examining my wrist, he grabbed it gently, the grip far less firm than last time, I shook my head.

"No, I just got a little sick" I mumbled, he seemed quite confused glancing at the guard, she was standing at attention, and the man at the counter.

"Chained up for being sick? Are you ok? Are you still unwell?" He asked, I was taken aback by those words, I didn't think anyone other than the doctor had asked me that, sounding that sincere.

"I told them I wasn't actually sick... I just vomited, is all, I was kept in the medic room all of yesterday just in case" I mumbled, feeling a little embarrassed to suddenly explain things.

"Why did you vomit?" He asked, I shook my head, I didn't want to think back on that moment.

"I'm sorry... I don't really want to say... I'm sorry" I mumbled, I still worry I'll say the wrong thing.

"No one touched you did they?" He asked, I shook my head.

"Gosh no, that would have been worse" I muttered, the very idea making my skin crawl and shudder. He nodded and sighed, rubbing a finger along the red marks the shackle left.

"Welp, let's get breakfast!" Exclaimed Dylan, interrupting as Connor examined the mark. Connor laughed and turned away. I was surprised to see Greg smiling at me, he's the last one in this group I'd expect to seem friendly.

"Melanie, there's so much good food today" explained Ben, they all began to walk, I reached for Connor's hand again, not wanting to be walking without someone to anchor me. I don't want someone attacking me, or dragging me back to this building. I was surprised as he seemed prepared for it, gently catching my hand, not giving me a chance to feel embarrassed and childish for wanting to hold his hand.

His grip was firm but gentle, I kept close to him as I tried not to look at the other soldiers. He let go of my hand, gesturing to a seat, I slowly sat down, looking around, nobody seemed to have noticed us yet, though I am the shortest here, maybe they just couldn't see me yet.

Countdown To Victory: Blaming MelanieWhere stories live. Discover now