9 days to victory

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I was woken by the smell of meat and eggs, sitting up. The sun hasn't even risen. I looked over to the fire stove, Dylan was cooking the bird meat from last night. He glanced over at me, seeming to notice I was awake. His wings stretching out.

"Morning" he greeted, I nodded. He seems to still be tense, his wings fluttering to ease some of that tension. I stood up and moved to the bench, helping crush and squeeze the berries into a juice. I added some water and created berry juices for everyone.

"I wish there were apples, I always loved an apple juice before training" I commented, he glanced over at me.

"Yeah, the community garden apples made great juice" he agreed.

"Think the human should have a juice?" I asked, picking what I thought he'd like me to say, he looked to me suspiciously, I gave him an honest smile. If that makes him cheer up a bit.

"Yeah, that's a good idea" he agreed. I looked away and frowned. If we start giving her more stuff, she'll see us as easy to manipulate. I still crushed up the berries and made the juice, maybe this will provide more of a peace, especially with what caused the upset yesterday.

Dylan finished cooking, grabbing a plate and cup for the human. I watched him walk out and sat down. Ben sat down at the table, immediately digging in. I watched Tyler and Greg talk quietly as they got up, before going quiet and sitting at the table. Dylan came inside, deep in thought. He seems uncomfortable.

The silence was noticeable. I believe Greg is trying to not do anything to upset Dylan. I shook my head. Well today will be a boring trek around the valley, at the very least it's sunny and warm outside, made obvious by the fog lifting from the ground.

I gathered the water skins, Nodding to Dylan and Tyler, they got up and joined me.

"Hopefully we'll have some nice dinner to return to" I joked, Greg and Ben nodded. I looked away and frowned. I don't like this energy in my group. I'll need to find a way to mix things up, plus if the weather remains this warm, we should be able to leave in about two days. That would make it a whole week, perfect.

The ground muddy and slippery, all mud on my boots quickly drying in the warm air. We needed to take a lot of breaks and drink a lot of water, the warm day feeling hot with our constant walking and exploring.

Some fallen branches and a fallen trees, nothing more has changed. Today was long and tiring, Dylan kept rushing ahead, not seeming to be very comfortable, his wings fluttering.

It honestly was a mental relief to get back, the silence was killing me. Even Tyler wasn't comfortable enough to speak, which was pretty unheard of.

The air as soon as we arrived back was dull, Ben was sitting on the patio couch. The human sitting on the staircase, looking at him, it seems he's talking to her.

We got closer, Ben looking up from her but continuing to talk.

"-I know what happened to her, but I'm grateful for my dad" he continued. I looked to him in confusion, was he telling her about his mother?

"That's horrible" mumbled the human, we got closer, she suddenly turned to us, looking surprised as tears rolled down her cheek, her eye still closed.

"You don't have to tell her about that, I know it's hard" I told him gently, he looked to me, sighed and looked away, I was surprised, he's usually so much more brighter and responsive. I guess those memories are very hard to discuss.

I stood defensively as the human moved quickly, she went back to her usual spot on the patio, looking to Ben and wiping her tears. I scowled, I don't trust a human with my groups weaknesses.

"Where's Greg?" I asked, Ben growled a little, I was even more confused. Did I miss something?

"He's preparing dinner" bluntly answered Ben. I sighed, I can't stand all this tension.

I walked inside, Greg working quietly at cooking. I refilled the water skins, looking to him.

"What happened?" I asked, he groaned and set down the pan.

"I was just annoyed, that fucking human, I know she has something up her sleeve. I tried to interrogate her and she starting crying, and begging me to not 'force her'. And I'm damn well going to force her to answer. Ben got angry and we got into an argument." Grumbled Greg, I nodded, I suppose I'll need to try out a different tactic.

I waited at the table, waiting quietly as everyone walked around in silence, tension in the air. I waited until everyone was seated to eat.

"I have a plan for tomorrow" I spoke up, everyone looking at me, the curiosity and intense looks in their eyes proving to me this is going to be the right decision.

"Tomorrow is not going to be like any other day. We're going to let her go" I explained, Tyler glanced at Greg in disbelief.

"But she'll warn-" began Greg, the concern evident.

"Relax, I have a plan. We will secretly follow her. She will show us the humans and we can defeat them" I explained, Dylan frowned.

"But that's setting her up for failure" muttered Dylan, Ben nodded.

"Don't worry, they won't even know she was close. I promise Dylan, I will not have her harmed during the attack" I promised, he gave an unconvinced look, but seemed to agree.

"Let's get some rest, we have a long day of trekking tomorrow" I chuckled, ready to finish this. No more tension, she'll go running back to the humans and we'll take them down for good.

"Yes sir!" They all shouted.

Countdown To Victory: Blaming MelanieWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu