1 day to victory

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(Connor's POV)

I rested my gun in a casual stance, looking over the field and treeline, I had woken early, standing, waiting to see what happens. The captain in the nearby tent figuring out a new spot to attack, the area the humans could possibly be in waiting to attack, is getting smaller.

I glanced at a soldier leaving the tent, the sun not very high yet, the captain will be sending us out in patrols, where if there's an issue more can get there quickly. I doubt there will be an issue, there hasn't been anything major yet, some rogue human soldier jumping out, or some being caught trying to sneak up on a patrol, that's about the worst of it.

I glanced at the large soldier tent, the metal beds stacked atop each other, in perfect rows. Dylan would normally be up by now, I'm guessing he will be joining me soon. My suspicions proved correct as he walked out, looking awake as usual, he's such a morning person.

He waved to me, picking up a piece of fruit before moving towards me, he glanced around the valley, a patrol was coming back. A human between them, an older male by the looks of it, hands tied behind his back, blood leaking from his nose as he scowled at the ground. The soldiers shoved him against a pole, shackling him, and a nurse moved over to the human.

"Get the fuck away from me" snapped the human, the nurse ignored his anger, checking over for injuries, before wiping the blood from his face. I glanced back at Greg, the harsh scowl on his face at the sight of a human was proof enough that his opinion of them hadn't changed. I think Melanie may be the only human he'd ever consider as someone who doesn't deserve poor treatment.

The soldiers from the patrol moved to speak with the captain. It was a quiet day, it had consistently been quiet, soldiers training quietly in the back, chained up surrendered humans attached to a single wooden pole under some shade, to be taken to the human holding building in the human town, later tonight.

"Connor, when's our patrol again?" Asked Tyler, juggling an apple in his hand before biting into it. I examined him, he seemed tired, bored even. His eyes glanced at the angry-looking human soldier, kicking out at the pole.

"Before lunch. So I'd say in about an hour and a half. When Billy's group leaves, we leave thirty minutes after them" I explained, Tyler groaned, seeming annoyed. "What's up your arse this morning?" I asked, he examined me, patting my shoulder and looking over to the treeline.

"Think all this rounding up humans isn't what I expected a war to be" he mumbled, raising his eyebrow. "I joined to protect people, but why do they need us to round up the last remaining ones? Not even a battle anymore" he added.

"Yeah, it is frustrating. I haven't needed my gun the whole time. Everyone's way too relaxed and nobodies even been injured, outside the humans" added Greg, I sighed, they are right, when I thought I'd be protecting people, I saw it as me fighting monsters off of innocent civilians. Now all I've done is cause some girl unnecessary pain, and rounded up human soldiers.

"That means we're nearly finished, we can live normal lives" piped up Dylan. His positive energy was needed, I can understand Greg's and Tyler's frustration, they had to witness and receive horrible treatment at the hands of humans. Only wanting to protect people from that treatment.

"Maybe then Melanie won't be hated as much" spoke up Ben, making me jump a slight bit, not hearing him approach.

"Morning... I doubt that. I feel like she's going to continue to be hurt and hated. The pain the humans caused will ripple for a while" I explained, his positive expression fell.

"Maybe let's not talk about her. Let's just rest before we head off" butted in Dylan, for once he doesn't want to talk about her, I suppose that makes sense. We don't need to deal with the odd situation we made yet, caring about some poor girl who can't seem to catch a break.

Countdown To Victory: Blaming MelanieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora