3 days to victory

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(Back to Connor's POV)

I woke in the comfort of a bed, relishing in the comfort. For the two days we fought the enemy, we slept in tents. I can't wait for this whole thing to be over and us all not needing to sleep on terrible bedding. We arrived back here late last night, for a day of rest, tomorrow we'll be going back. I pushed myself up, getting dressed into some comfortable casual clothes.

Making my way down to the cafeteria, I waved to some other soldiers, all smiling and chatting about once the war ends. It's so close, I can almost feel it.

I relaxed at a table, watching Ben move towards me, yawning into his hand. He wore a shirt that's to big on him, the sleeves flopping over his hands. He sat beside me and stretched.

"How many times do we have to keep missing beds?" He asked with a soft laugh, smiling slightly. He hardly had to do a thing, being support. Just run us water and food, I only shot my gun once, the humans we found surrendered pretty fast.

"Morning" greeted Tyler gruffly, a sleepy look in his eyes, his hair ruffled up, he hasn't much bothered to fix up his appearance apart from dressing in some loose clothes. Greg wasn't far after him, sitting down and resting his head in his arms, looking about to fall asleep again.

"You could of slept in" I told him, he glanced up, wiggling his eyebrows and chuckling.

"And miss out on breakfast? I wanna get it when it's freshest" he stated, stretching out his arms and waving behind us. I looked back to see Dylan grinning, wide awake. Crazy.

"Not if I get there first" stated Dylan winking, his wings stretching out, he seemed conscious enough to not accidentally knock someone with them.

Greg jumped up to his feet, they raced each other to be first in line, wings fluttering in joy. It feels nice seeing everyone have fun, act our age a bit more, not be so serious, I guess everyone can feel the wars end. Letting us let our guard down, enjoying things a bit more.

I nudged Ben, we got up, Tyler shouting for us to make him a plate. I laughed and shook my head at the laziness, but gave him a thumbs up to show that I would.

We stacked our plates with an unhealthy assortment of mixed breakfast items, from pancakes, to sausages to muffins. I handed Tyler a plate, he eagerly dug in, I began to eat, loving the taste of hot, proper food, no army food, no wild caught.

"When do you think we should check on Melanie?" Asked Dylan, breaking the silence. My food half finished, my brain ticking, I examined him, Greg nudged his shoulder and chuckled.

"Yeah, when are we?" Agreed Greg, I frowned at him, he seems to have changed his view on her.

"I thought you hated all humans?" I asked, tilting my head, he was troubled with the fact she had suffered just like we did, maybe he respects her more.

"Humans, but not Melanie, I kinda need to make up for how badly I went at her..." Muttered Greg.

"You know other humans other then her must have suffered?" Pointed out Dylan.

"I don't know those ones, I know her... She apparently, for some fucked up reason dosen't seem to hate me for what I did, the doctor, whatever his name was, saying she forgives us. You always promised us Connor, to protect those that need it" mumbled Greg, blushing in embarrassment from speaking his feelings.

"I never knew a human would be considered when I said that, but I was hoping for at least an hour of not thinking of humans, just to rest, then we can see how she's doing" I stated, they nodded.

"She was really scared, I hope those soldiers aren't among the survivors" mumbled Dylan, I sighed, shaking my head.

"I think judging by how many surrendered, there's a good chance even one or two will be there" I explained softly, his fist whitened around his fork. He looked to me with a guilty look. His brows furrowed and lips trembled slightly.

Countdown To Victory: Blaming MelanieWhere stories live. Discover now