Useful girl

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The human town is busy, with soldiers running about. The girl used to seeing them, she sat down, eating some fruit. Everyone was loud, discussing all kinds of war stuff she really couldn't care for it.

The sun was setting, people beginning to get drunk, injured soldiers tucked away in medical tents. She explored along the town border, knowing she'd find some bonfires and alcohol being handed out like candy.

No one asks age, everyone just wants to get high, drunk and loud, forgetting the war. Forgetting the fathers, brothers, sisters and mothers dying in war.

She grabbed a bottle of alcohol, drinking it down, ignoring the burn in her throat, just looking for the memories to burn away. Her father was shot because he refused to join the army a few years ago, the memory of the blood-splattered wall haunted her nightmares.

She jumped onto a log, dancing to the loud music and cheering. Everyone loud.

"Melanie, you shouldn't be drinking yet" tutted her old friend, she stuck her tongue out, vomiting a little in her throat.

She scowled at him, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Let's go home Mel" he told her, rubbing her arm, eyeing her. She was a mess, her shirt torn from hooking it on an old nail, her hair crazy.

He tried to lean forward to kiss her, encouraged by her tipsy attitude.

"Fuck off!" She yelled, shoving him aside, she smashed her bottle and walked away dizzily.

"Oh there you are honey, I have some good news! You see these lovely young men?" Said her mother, grabbing her dizzy daughter's arm and dragging her into a tent.

"I lost a bet, but you must be so happy to satisfy the army!" She cheered, kissing her daughter's cheek, and walking out quickly.

She tried to run, crashing onto her side, hands grabbing her, laughter in the air.

"Whoo! Fresh pussy tonight boys!" Yelled a voice, she tried to scream and beg, her mouth covered. Tears running down her face as she felt betrayed by her own mother.

Early in the morning, everyone was knocked out from alcohol and partying. Out of a tent crawled Melanie, blood running down her thighs and fluids on her body.

She dragged herself to a store, fixing up the bleeding and stealing some clothes, not caring anymore. She yanked a bag and stuffed it with food and water.

Limping and crying as she walked, leaving for good.

After a few weeks of traveling through woods, she found an old shack, protected by high cliffs. Judging by the look of it, it was once a hunting shack someone would go to when out hunting, definitely hasn't been visited for years.

She set down the bag, finding a hunting rifle and bow and arrow. She cleaned the weapons, before storing them in the shed.

She slowly began crafting the cabin as a home, checking the tank daily, making sure it wasn't tainted.

She made herself a home in two weeks. Ready to keep far away from the war and her own kind that hurt her in many ways.

Countdown To Victory: Blaming MelanieWhere stories live. Discover now