6 days to victory

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The sun has been beaming through my window for an hour now, I don't really want to get out of bed. It's refreshing feeling a warm blanket, my back grateful for the warmth and comfort of a mattress. As soon as I get up, I know I'll have to face the unfortunate troubles of a rookie soldier who has dug himself too deep of a hole.

I forced myself up. Getting ready in my uniform and grabbing my bag. I slung it over my back, groaning at the weight. It feels so slow and pleasant this morning, I opened the door, freezing, seeing Dylan waiting. He looked away and sighed.

"I'm ready to finish this. I'm ready to fight" he stated, his wings quivering, I smiled and grabbed his shoulder.

"Wonderful, let's get breakfast, I'm excited for some apple juice" I chuckled. He smiled and we headed down to the dining hall. The soldiers stationed here already eating.

I made a tray of food and grabbed myself my drink, sitting with Dylan. We sat for a bit, eating in silence, watching as everyone came and joined us. Seeming well rested and wide eyed, I really cannot wait until we get out there.

"We'll get there and get sorted, I think we'll need to have some meetings before we can even get out on the field. I'm not sure how much has changed or what we are doing so far in terms of tactic. So it might be a bit before we even get to start fighting" I explained, they all nodded, eyes on me, full of respect and obedience. It feels nice to have so much trust from my group

"Excuse me?" Asked a female, she wore a nurse outfit. I examined her in confusion.

"I've been requested by Doctor Starch to ask if you'd prefer the human eats with you or is fed at the medical centre, the doctor is asking to see if he can give up her bed quicker. She has been given some more painkillers and angel medication, so shouldn't be in any pain and should be healed enough to not rip open the stitches from moving around" she explained, her face scrunched up, as if trying to make sure she remembers everything.

I felt the previous joy dissipate, I had completely forgotten about having her come with us. Everyone avoided eye contact, all dealing with different feelings of the situation. I looked to Dylan who looked back at me, nodding slowly. It'll be best to get her out of the medical centre quickly, and give her some proper food.

"She can be brought here" I told the nurse, she nodded, leaving us. The air now awkward, Greg looks bothered, dealing with the fact humans can in fact experience the same pain we all have.

The doctor came over, we looked up as the girl stood, short by his side, red cheeked. She wiped her eye and gave the doctor a smile, he ruffled her hair.

"Thank you... You've been so kind" she murmured, he chuckled.

"You've been a trooper, with that physical and emotional damage and keeping a brave face. A wonderful patient, you be safe, the new government rulings have changed towards humans, and I hope you won't be a victim to a system being built" he spoke. She hesitated and sighed.

"I've already been through shit, what's more" she giggled, I was surprised by the bravery, also curious by what the doctor said about the new rulings. I haven't heard of any new laws or rules.

He guided her to sit down, she flinched a little as she sat.

"She isn't in any pain, are you Melanie?" He asked, she shook her head in agreement, "so don't be to concerned unless she's actually acting in pain, the discomfort will still make her flinch and seem uncomfortable" he added.

"I'll get you some breakfast" muttered Tyler, she looked to him in surprise and confusion.

"Oh... Thank you" she mumbled, the doctor smiled and looked around at us, he covered her ears and she looked up at him in confusion.

Countdown To Victory: Blaming MelanieWhere stories live. Discover now