12 days to victory

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As soon as I opened my eyes, I knew today was going to be slippery, the sound of drizzling rain on the roof apparent.

I stood up, stretching, Ben was making some delightful looking breakfast, using the berries he had picked and some eggs. He seems well rested, Ben got off easier then us, his father had protected him through everything the humans had done, not letting young Ben see the horrors the humans did.

Though I am aware, that he knows his father was forced to watch the humans rape his mother, while protecting his son from seeing or hearing it. I see him like a younger brother sometimes, he's always told me he looks up to me, I'm the reason he chose to join the military as support. I was so proud to hear that he was being placed with my group.

Dylan was next to get up, I'm surprised the two that have the chance to sleep in, are the first ones other then me, up. I sat on a chair, I could hear quiet mumbling outside. I stood up, opening the door quietly, looking around suspiciously.

"-the cold and wet. Making me fucking shit myself... Fucking assholes kicking me out of my own home, I worked hard the last month to make it feel like a home" she was mumbling, definitely not speaking to other humans, that was good.

Though how dare she speak of us in such disrespect, she should be glad we aren't like humans, absolute monsters would be doing a lot more to someone like her. She should be glad she's tied up under cover and getting food. I could very easily starve her and restrain her and toss her into the mud.

"Don't you fucking speak of us with such disrespect" I snarled, I stormed over, grabbing her by the shirt. She gasped, looking to me in surprise.

"What... What?! I was having a private conversation.... I didn't think anyone could hear!" She cried out. I scowled, slamming her into the wall, she went silent and fell limply to the ground.

"Fucking monster" I spat.

I scoffed, moving inside. Tyler chuckled and shook his head, Greg nodded at me.

"You show that bitch" Greg chuckled, Ben and Dylan looked to each other, Ben seemed uncomfortable, Dylan holding two plates. He set one plate down on the table in his spot, before brushing past me in the doorway.

"You good to eat?" I heard him ask, I continued standing in the doorway, if she disrespects him, I will throw her out to the mud and rain.

"Yeah... I can... Thank you" she wheezed, I nodded hearing the respect and moving away.

"I'm glad" he commented, he walked back in, looking to his food, not joining Greg and Tyler's discussion of what they plan on doing once the war is over.

"I'm going to further my education man, I want to be teacher" explained Tyler, he loves kids and education, though people think he'll just become a guard or remain a soldier, with his big build.

"I just want to find the one.... I want true love... I wouldn't mind being a mechanic or something" sighed Greg. The two seeming to be losing themselves to the thoughts of the war being over.

"Alright, we should get going, we have a lot of walking today" I interrupted their daydreaming, they looked to me, nodding and quickly getting up to grab the water skins and put on their boots.

I stepped into my heavy boots, nodding to Dylan and Ben. We walked out to the shed and grabbed the gun. I examined it and tested it's weight. The human watching us nervously. I ignored her, the impulse to spook her with the gun strong, but I have more self control then that.

Ten years of preparing my revenge, and now we're so close to winning this war. Last I heard, before we got stuck, was that the humans were retreating down the valley, towards their biggest groupings of towns. The captain is concerned about attacking innocent civilians, but I believe they should just rush it, so it comes to an end.

Countdown To Victory: Blaming MelanieМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя