13 days to victory

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I woke up with a stretch, it's nice to sleep by a warm fire under shade, after days of camping in rain. I could see sunshine through the window, hearing quiet crying through the wooden walls.

I ignored it, going to the kitchen. I watched Greg get up, filling a cup with water and drinking, nudging me with a grin. I got set on making breakfast, she seems to have scavenged a lot of food. I grabbed some wild bird eggs and began sizzling some cuts of boar she'd stored in cold storage.

Dylan made himself some tea, sitting at the table as Tyler snored. Greg walked outside, I grinned to myself. Listening to loud pleading and a grunt, must have been a good hit. Tyler jolted, looking around urgently. I waved off his concern. He immediately relaxed, we could hear grunting and thudding, Dylan was looking at me straight faced. I sighed.

"Of course, I'll make sure he's not murdering her. Give him a break Dyl. He watched humans rip his parents wings out and smash their heads in" I assured, Dylan sighed, I stepped outside. Greg had a piece of wood, he seems to have really had a good go at her, her body laying limp, blood leaking down her nose and from her mouth, must have bitten her tongue.

"Come on Greg, breakfast is nearly ready. We're not killing her" I told him, he crossed his arms.

"Nobody will know, just let the animals eat her fucking corpse" fumed Greg, I glanced back at Dylan who raised his eyebrows at me.

"Ben, clean up the blood so she dosen't choke on it" I called, the werewolf bounded outside with our small first aid kit.

I set up the food, everyone excited to have a warm meal again. I carried out a plateful, the human was sitting up, staring at the ground in a daze. I chuckled, just what humans deserve.

I set down the plate untying her wrists and changing it to her ankles, she covered between her legs, shaking, her head shaking desperately. Seeming to be trying to speak, but no words came out.

"Need to piss? Seems like you've already done that" I mocked, she can't have tortured our people's, and not expect some fine revenge.

She sobbed, I turned and left. Ready to eat my own food.

The warm food was delightful. I pulled up the rough sketch of the valley, we can probably do some rounds through the weeks, make sure no other humans come around, they don't live alone, they live in large, horrible groups, showing off their monster personalities.

"Alright everyone, we'll send three people each day to navigate the valley. Checking for human activity, see where that gross things other companions are. Once the cliffs are stable and dry, we will leave. Carrying her along, as annoying as that is" I explained.

"Yes Connor" they chorused, I smiled. Dylan, Ben and Greg immediately jumping up to be the first ones to go.

"Keep safe, don't instigate battle, come back if you spot them" I instructed, they shouted affirmation and saluted, turning and heading off into the trees.

I looked down to the girl, she was breathing heavily, only having eaten a small bit of her food, blood running from her nose again. I shrugged, turning my way back inside. I need to get some rest and make sure we have plenty of food for the week.

I relaxed in a seat chucking some wood onto the fire. Tyler was cleaning the dishes as I filled out a progress report. Making sure to describe the area, it's actually pretty well defended. In case of any more fights, this place would really prove defensive or a death trap, depending on the situation.

I spent a while writing before getting up, needing to walk. I stepped outside, enjoying the sun, the heavy clouds on the horizon slowly floating our way. I crossed my arms, I entered the side shed, grinning in excitement.

Countdown To Victory: Blaming MelanieWhere stories live. Discover now