11 days to victory

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A sunny day again. Some boar, eggs and berries for breakfast. Dylan, Ben and I quietly left, there wasn't much new to discuss. We'll just walk around all day and get back here.

I kept stock of our water supply, slipping on some wet tree roots. It was a hazardous day, it seems as though the animals are taking full advantage of the mudslides. Some burrowing animals already making holes in it.

Birds were diving for worms and bugs escaping the water. The sun warm on my back, Ben and Dylan stopping to pick some more berries. I wiped my brow and looked around.

I really doubt humans would come down here as an army. It's so unlikely, but I cannot let my guard down and be branded a fool.

We continued on, stopping for toilet breaks, walking in silence. It's a nice area to have a hunting shack honestly, a safe little area, where nature is thriving.

We finally began heading back as the sun set. Walking up to the shack, Greg was outside, sitting on the couch, his uniform hanging on some rope on the patio.

I looked to the muddy ground. The girl lay there, wrist restrained together and ankles tied together, she couldn't stand or use her hands, which she seemed to want to do as she held her pants, they had been pulled down, looks like Greg was letting her go toilet.

"Welcome back! We did some cleaning up. Tyler's making some boar steaks and vegetables and I'm starving" Chuckled Greg. I nodded to him moving to the patio, pausing to no longer hear the other two behind me.

They knelt by the girls side, I sighed. This is stupid I really wish they understood the revenge we've fought for. I know Dylan's sister was raped, strangled, beaten and killed when he was demanded by her to hide, so he had to watch it all happen to her. So I don't get why he's not more fired up to teach these monsters a hard lesson about this kind of stuff.

I watched them roll her over, she was breathing, blood on her face. I examined her, tears were falling from her eyes and Ben was trying to clean up her face, Dylan helped pull her pants up.

I went inside to see the steaks being cooked, I licked my lips and grinned.

"Smells amazing" I complimented. I grabbed the paperwork, moving to sit on a couch, glancing out the window. Dylan was seeming rather upset, Ben was examining her face, everytime he touched near her eye, she'd flail, crying out. Dylan stormed off with the hunting bow, I guess I'll need to have Greg be more careful, that should be decent common ground.

Ben helped her to her feet, helping her limp to the patio. He sat her on the wood, talking to quietly for me to hear.

"Shouldn't trust fucking monsters Ben" scoffed Greg, kicking her back and sending her head first into the mud, Ben scrambled to help her back up, growling a little at Greg who seemed taken aback.

I shook my head, Greg, like me, had been boiling with the need for humans to be knocked down. Tyler is hateful towards humans as well.

I turned to my papers and filled out stuff about the rounds we are doing and the human. Dylan came back with a rabbit, putting the bow and arrows away, then storming onto the patio and sitting alone at the table, I decided to leave him be.

Ben tied the girl back up, untying her wrists. He walked inside and sat beside Dylan, leaning against him. Dylan wrapped an arm around Ben and they sat there like that.

Dinner was served they grabbed their plates and a plate for her, heading outside. They ate on the couch as she ate tied up. I glanced to Greg who seemed very confused and concerned.

"Did something happen while you were out there?" He asked I shook my head.

"It's the human. They don't like hurting her" I explained, he groaned and shook his head.

"That all?" He scoffed, shaking his head. We finished eating, they came back in to go to bed, not saying a word, I really wasn't expecting something like this to be messing us up.

"Dylan. You and I are staying here tomorrow" I instructed.

"Yes sir" he responded, I shook my head. Deciding to just go to bed.

Countdown To Victory: Blaming MelanieNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ