Till death due us part - finale

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Isaacs pov

It was the day after Katie's 20th birthday. I turned 20 two months before she had. Today was the day of our wedding. To be fair I was so surprised that we actually went through with this marriage. I mean we are only young still. Words cant describe how much i love this girl. I know it makes no sense to say.

I got into my tux. It was just a casual suit but instead of a black blazer and black pants I wore burgundy ones. Me and Katie decided not to have a traditional white wedding. We decided to to have it red themed mainly because it was our favourite colour and Katie didn't feel comfortable wearing one of those over the top white dresses, plus she looks hot in dark red.

"You decent?" Scott, my best man,  asked me knocking on the door to my dressing room.

In response I open the door and walk out. Scott smiles and pulls me into a hug. Since both my parents were dead I had Ellie walk me down the aisle. She was also standing outside of my dressing room. Scott wore a similar tux to me but his was all white. Ellie was wearing a high chested dark red dress. It was short but not too short. She was also holding the red roses that Katie had picked out for her two bridesmaids who were Malia and Kira. Derek had offered to walk Katie down the aisle, she said yes wanting to ask him to anyway. Derek and Katie had gotten very close and so had me and Ellie. Ellie and Liam even announced their relationship officially.

"Isaac you look amazing!" Ellie says pulling me into a loving embrace. when she pulls away she carefully wipes tears of joy from her eyes trying not to ruin her makeup.

"Right back at ya sis!" I said.

"Getting cold feet yet?" I hear a familiar voice say. I turn my head slightly to see stiles walking towards us in the same white suit as scot. Stiles was the ring bearer.

"For Katie? Never." I say confidently smiling at the boy who looked rather dapper.

"Good because if you screw this up I'm gonna break off a large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane and shove it your freaking as-"

"Woah stiles your not  meant to threaten the groom." Liam says cutting him off and he comes over to us and hugs Ellie from behind.

The wedding song starts. For walking down the aisle we decided to play a drop in the ocean by ron pope. The first time I gave katie a ride that was the song that was playing on the radio.

"You ready big brother?" Ellie asks holding out her arm.

"I was born ready." I say linking arms with her. The doors to the ceremony swing open showing a red Carpet aisle and all our guests. we walk to the alter waiting for Katie. Ellie places a kiss on my check before taking her seat on the front row in-between Liam and Stiles.

A few moments later Katie walks through the doors in the most beautiful dress I've ever seen. it was long and she was showing a lot of cleavage. The dress had thin  straps. Her eyes met mine and she smiles sweetly at me.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the joyous occasion of Isaac Lahey and Katie Turners wedding," the priest starts when Katie takes her place at the alter with me. "I believe the couple have prepared their own speeches?"

"Katie Turner, ever since i saw you walking down that corridor at school on your first day i knew you and me were gonna get along. Ill never forget the cute smile you gave me and you saw me for the first time. Before you i was a broken man but you have helped me taught that deep down I'm still a man capable of loving and capable of being loved. You have my heart, I will always choose you Katie. Always and forever until death due us part." I say with a massive smile creeping up onto my lips. She returned the same smile. Both of us had glassed over eyes with tears of joy threatening to fall.

"Isaac Lahey, threes not enough words in the English, Spanish, French, German or any language to describe how much i love your stupid cute face and your even stupider adorable personality. Everything about you as a person is beautiful. There's nothing you could tell me that would ever change my mind. And if one of us dies, I hope i die first because i cant even begin to imagine my life without you. God i cant wait for the part of this wedding when i get to kiss you." She smiles slightly giggling at her last statement. Tears now freely flowwing down both our faces

"Till death due us part lahey."

"Till death due us part Turner."


Short but sweet
Also I wrote this on my laptop so idk why the gaps are massive

Word count - 860

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