Double date?

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Isaacs pov

This time me and Katie woke up at the same time as we had plans today. Before we got ready to go we laid in bed for a while just talking and laughing. I haven't laughed this much since Allison died.

We got ready and drove to the beacon hills cinema where we met Malia and Stiles. We had no idea what we were watching though as we let them two choose.

"Hey!" Malia says cheerily as we walk up to them.

"Hey guys!" Stiles says as we reach them.

Malia and Katie share a hug and me and stiles just nod at eachother. "It's good to see you two again!" Katie says pulling back from Malia.

"Yeah you too." Stiles agrees smiling.

"So what are we actually watching then?" I question looking between Malia and stiles.

"Well since I'm trying to educate Malia on good movies we decided to watch avatar the other night and she loved it." Stiles started.

"When stiles read online that the second avatar movie was on today he booked tickets for us. I suggested we invite you two along for a double date." Malia finishes

Stiles puts his head in his hand. "Secret double date." He whispers to to her but loud enough for me and Katie to hear.

Malia looked at stiles and opened her mouth in the shape of an 'o'.

"You know we don't actually date guys." I say looking at Katie. Even though I wish we did.

"So your friends with benefits?" Malia asks causing Katie to burst out laughing. Me and stiles just look at each other with big smiles slightly laughing. Stiles mouths 'sorry' through his laughter. I just laugh.

"No just friends." I say.

"You'll be more soon tho guys. You can't cut the sexual tension between you guys with a knife." Stiles says taking Malias hand in his and walks into the cinema.

Me and Katie just look at each other and shrug. Following them into the cinema. "You two are on snack duty. Me and Malia will get the seats." Stiles says handing us $30. I nudged Katie on the shoulder and we walk over to the que for snacks.

"What do you want?" I ask her.

"Salted popcorn." She says after examining the menu on the wall.
"Get a big tub and we can share. Get Malia and stiles a box too."

"Any drinks?" I ask her

"Surprise me." She says looking up at me smiling. She was so cute when she smiled.

"Is it just me or have you never seen avatar?" I ask her. This is literally the first time I've heard of the movie.

"Your joking right?"

"Yeah. Of course."

"I can hear your heart beat," she says to tell me she knows I'm lying. She wacks me playfully and gently across the arm. "How have you never seen it!" She says raising her voice so the people around us gasp at my lack of knowledge towards the movie.

Both of our faces go red with embarrassment but for very different reasons.

We both just laugh it off. When we get to the counter the man asks me what I want.
"I'll have two large boxes of salted popcorn, three cokes and one doctor pepper please." I slide the money on the counter. The doctor pepper was for me as I don't like coke. The man takes it and hands me my stuff and $5 change.

We meet Malia and stiles at the place where you hand in your tickets. "We got two large boxes of popcorn and some drinks,"
I say handing them their box of popcorn and their cokes. "Here's your change stiles." I gave him his $5 back. We all walk in together and take our seats in screen 7.

Katie's pov
(Because I forgot who's pov I was writing and I cba to fix it)

We all sat and chatted for a bit waiting for the movie to start. "Isaac by the time time the movie starts we're gonna have no popcorn left if you keep eating it." I say laughing while Malia and stiles also laugh while Isaac just slowly picks us another piece and eats it while eyeing me up. I just picked up at piece and threw it at him in response. I accidentally hit him in eye so he decided to be super over dramatic about it causing all off us to break out in hushed laughter.


The whole movie Isaac wouldn't shut up about his eye. When the sad parts came on I looked over at Malia and stiles. Malia was crying while leaning her head on stiles' shoulder and holding his hand. She looked up and him and smiled. He looked back down at her and placed a gentle kiss on her lips before she put her head back down. After that he put his arm around her and used his other hand to hold hers now.
In that moment I looked over to Issac and couldn't help to thinking about what it would be like to kiss him. I know I've had so many chances too but I just was too scared. I really did like him but what if it doesn't go well.

Malia and stiles were actually so cute together. I was so on board with their ship.

After the movie we all walked out the door and said our goodbyes. I hugged Malia and stiles before following Isaac back to the car.

Isaacs pov
(Back to Isaacs now sorry about that guys!)

"How are you felling about school tomorrow?" I ask Katie as we get in the car.

"Quite good actually!" She replies. She shivers from the coldness in the car.

"Want my jumper?" I ask her even though I wasn't wearing a shirt underneath.

"If you don't mind haha. This is so embarrassing. I don't know how I'm always cold!" She replies.

I pull my jumper over my head revealing my bare chest. She looks at it unable to take her eyes off it. She coughs turning away after a few minutes. "Put it back on I don't want you to freeze to death!" She says. I smirk and take her hand in mine pulling it to my chest. I put her hand on it and place mine over the top.

"See? I won't freeze. I'm boiling." I say moving my hand. She doesn't move hers though. Instead she moved it down my body. She finally moves it and takes her shirt off handing it to me.

"Boiling or not your not wearing nothing. Take the damn shirt, I don't care if this hurts your masculinity." She says. I smirk and just pull her blue top over my head. I've never felt prettier. It was really small on me. She just laughed pulling on my jumper.

We drove back to mine, I didn't want her to go back to hers. I couldn't live with myself if I let her stay there in that shit hole. No offence. Its not her fault it's a crap place. She doesn't even say anything well I pull into the driveway she just smiles. "I quite like this shirt you know?" I say jokingly getting out the car at the same time she does. I do a little dance and everything. I'm really in touch with my feminine side right now.


We went inside and fell asleep straight away.


Word count - 1243

Till death due us part [Isaac Lahey x reader]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant