The hunt

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Isaacs pov.

I remember having a nightmare and waking up. When Katie wasn't there I panicked because my nightmare was that she had died and it felt so real that when I woke up I thought she would be gone. When I woke up again in the morning I found myself wrapped in her arms, a place where I felt safe.

"Morning darling." I say in a groggy voice. She smiles at me and opens her eyes.

"Hey handsome." She says back. I lean in and place a gentle kiss on her lips. I feel her smile into it before I pull back.

"Im not going to school today." She whispers playing with my hair. I loved it when she did that.

"You want me to stay off with you?" I ask, my voice laced in concern.

"If you wanna spend the whole day with me and Derek trying to find Peter then yeah!" She says all chirpy but still quietly. Why were they looking for Peter?

"Anything with you makes me happy. You could take me sky diving and I'd do it just because it was with you." I say with a smile causing her to blush. "When do we need to be at Dereks? And are the rest of the pack coming?"

Katie paused i swallowed hard. "The rest of the pack doesn't know and id like to keep it that way." She says slowly as if she's nervous about what I'll reply with. We sit in silence for a moment before I reply.

"Okay. If that's what you want. Then okay." I say tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ears.

We sat in the basement and waited for Scott and Melissa to leave the house. When they do we go up to the kitchen and I cook some eggs and bacon. After we eat them we start walking to Derek. Katie's teeth start chattering so I take my jumper off and hand it her. She smiles at me and takes it pulling it over her head. After it's fully on I warp my arm around her shoulder as we walk. I kiss her on the head. She pulls out her headphones and hands one to me so I put it in.


We finally got to Dereks and Katie just walks in so I follow her. Derek was there waiting for us with a mapped out plan on the desk. I was actually surprised as to how serious these two were about finding Peter. Surely there had to be a reason? But I didn't ask questions I just went along with it

"So. Peter was last seen at your house Katie. But he couldn't have gotten too far because he was all hyped up on wolfsbane. I say we start there." Derek explains ignoring my presence.

"But how did he manage to take down Liam then?" I ask remembering back to when we found Liam.

"Adrenaline perhaps?" Katie says, but it sounded more like a question.

"Exactly," Derek said pointing to Katie. "I know Peter and if he wants something badly enough he will do anything in his power to get it." Derek explains picking uk his car keys.
"Let's get a move on then." Derek says walking out. Katie confidently follows him and drags me by the hand too.


At Katie's house there's loads of blood stains in the room where we had previously held Peter. We were all sniffing to try and see if any of us could get a lock on peters scent.

"Guys I think I've got something." Katie said after about 10 minutes.

Derek went over to her while I stayed where I was. He went to go smell the same thing Katie had and it was definitely peters scent.

"Isaac come here. If we're gonna find him we need all the help we can get." Derek said gesturing me to come over and get a whiff.

We searched for 3 hours and nothing. It's like he was everywhere and no where at the same time. It's exactly how Katie describes him every-time she could hear him  talking to her.

"Katie we should use the pack, they could help." Derek says in defeat. "I know you wanna do this on your own but peters slippery. We can stay out here for a bit longer but soon we should go back and try again tomorrow with the pack."

"Yeah, maybe your right." She says looking at the walls of the alley way we were in. Just then a look of confusion grows on her face. "Guys? Is that a blood stain?" She asks pointing up to an open window.

Me and Derek ran over to her and look up. "Yeah." I say confirming what she saw. Derek takes a big breath in like he's trying to catch a scent.

"It's his blood," he says stepping back and examining the wall. "But how to we get up?"

"Like this." All of a sudden Katie just scaled up the wall like it was slanted or something. She pulled herself up onto the window sill but her feet started to slip.

"BE CAREFUL!" I shout, it was just a reflex. I didn't want a recreation of my nightmare.

She caught her self but she only had her finger tips on the window sill. She grunts in pain and she starts to swing her body back and forth. When she had a good rhythm she swings her leg up and wraps it around the widow sill pulling her up. She sat on the widow sill dangling her legs off it. "Keep up you two." She says with a smirk. Derek and I just let out a nervous giggle and then exchange 'how the fuck does she expect us to do that' looks.

We both try multiple times but fail earning several laughs off Katie. "Do you want me to jump down? We can always come back again tomorrow with a ladder... and the rest of the pack!" She shouts down.

"I mean yeah if that's what you want." I say trying to act cool about it. She laughs and jumps down sticking the landing perfectly. She walks up in the middle of me and Derek and swings her arms around us.

"You two are absolute pussies." She smiles and we walk back to Dereks loft.


"So you tried to find Peter?" Scott asks looking a little hurt that we didn't tell the pack.

"Yeah. We found a lead." Katie says trying to get her point across.

"That's not how we do things in this pack. We work as a team-"

"Scott back off. She came to me and I said it was okay. She's still learning and just wanted to prove herself. She's the one that actually called it off in the end, she wanted help from the pack." Derek cuts Scott off backing Katie up.

"That and these two losers couldn't climb the wall we needed to." Katie said pointing to me and Derek.

"Your kidding right! You, the big bad wolf who was born a werewolf and you, the one who's been a werewolf for 4 years longer than her couldn't climb a small little wall?" Kira says bursting into laughter along with Ellie, Malia, Liam and stiles. Even Scott cracks a smile while me and Derek look at the floor in embarrassment.

After everyone clams down we all make a plan, a better plan to capture Peter. We all make a vow not the kill him though. We all go home and rest.


When me and Katie get back the the basement I start sweating uncontrollably. It was really hot down there. "Take your shirt off." Katie says walking up behind me. I turn around and she's right there. She assists me in the taking off my shirt. "I'll be back in a minute okay?" She walks off.

I change my trousers to shorts. Katie comes back with with a rag and a big bowl of cold water. She takes my hand and leads me to the bed. She motions for me to lay down so I do. She dips the rag into the water and rings most of it out. When the rag it damp she just gently dabs it on my face and my chest. She puts the rag back in the bowl and leans down to place a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Since your not feeling well do you want me to go home tonight?" She ask putting some of her stuff in a bag and zipping it up. I grab her wrist before she can go anyway.

"Stay. Please stay?" I ask. She smiles and throws the bag on the floor. I move over on the bed so she can get in and she does.

"If that's what you want then I'll stay." She whispers as she places her cold hand on my chest.

I smile at her and kiss her lips softly. I love you."

"I love you too."


Word count - 1505

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