Katies house

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Isaacs pov

I would do anything for Katie. Hearing her background made me like her more if that's even possible. I feel like I can relate to her and understand her more than I could before.

"Take a left here theres a place you can park and since I had to abandon my car at the café it's free." Katie says. I do as she's tells me to and then we both get out the car and she walks me up some stairs and to a door which i believe is her front door. Before anything else happens she stands in-front of it. "Now remember, I am a runaway. I have no money whatsoever. And I hate this place with a passion, I'm not just a messy bitch I promise."

She turns away from me and towards the door jamming her keys into it. She seems to do this with a lot of struggle. "Here let me help." I say as I can tell she's getting frustrated. She hands me the keys and I try jam them into the door. It wasn't working. That's when I realised she was trying to use her car keys to unlock her house. I switch the key I'm holding and unlock the door with ease. We both burst out laughing. I hand Katie her keys back then I follow her inside.

It's a dark place. The wallpaper is ripping of in the corners and the bed looks hella lumpy. I see two suitcases which I assume she has some bits she's managed to get from her house before she left. I don't blame her for not unpacking yet this place is horrible. She flicks on the lights and it brightens up the place. That's when I get a really good look. I start to wonder around feeling the walls. They don't seem very think at all. This window is so awful I can only just see out of it. "Katie, you don't deserve this man. You deserve so much more than this. Hell if I could I'd give you the world because you deserve it."

"It was the only place I could afford. I actually work at the café but the money isn't that great. It's better than nothing though." I can't help but wrap her in a hug. In this moment I've never felt so bad for anyone. The worst part about this is the fact it's not even her fault she ended up in a shitty apartment like this. If I ever see her dad I will not hesitate to rip his head off. We both pull back from the hug and just smile at each other. "So where do you live?" She asks curiously walking over to her bed to plug her phone in. I'm surprised this place even has the ability to charge a phone.

"Okay but don't laugh at me!" I say defensively.

She raises her eyebrows curiously at me walking back over to where I was standing but still keeping a little bit of distance between the two of us. "Okay?" She says, but it's more like a question

"I live in Scott's mums basement," I say. She's silent for a moment before she bursts out laughing. She actually starts crying she laughs that much and I just join in.

"Scott? As in alpha Scott? The big scary guy?" She asks quickly. I just look down at the floor and nod slightly with a huge grin on my face. She starts laughing again and that's when I walk over to and pick her up. I playfully tackle her to the uncomfortable bed. Both of us laughing as I pin her down.

"You leave my basement alone!" I say sarcastically through my laughter.

"I'll leave your basement alone when you realise living in your alphas mums basement makes you sound like a complete nerd!" She say back returning the same laughter. I flop down to her side so we're both laying on our backs staring at her ceiling. We stay in a comfortable silence are hands both to the sides of us. When I feel her hand I can't help but take it in mine. She returns the gesture by gently rubbing her thumb against my hand in hers.

"Holy shit!" She says sitting up letting go of my hand.

"What's up?" I reply worried sitting up next to her on the end of her bed.

"If I woke up here the night that guy bit me that means he brought me back here. That means he knows where I live and how to get in." She says. I hear her heart beat picking up indicating her nervousness and panic.

"Hey it's okay, we'll figure it out." I say to her giving her a gentle smile. We make eye contact for a few moments. I look down at her lips. They look so kissable right now. When I notice her looking at mine I return my gaze back to her eyes and I learn in.

BANG BANG BANG! I jump backwards falling off the bed. Katie laughs slightly at my fall before she gets up to answer the door. It was Scott. "Scott how do you even know I live here?" She's clearly trying to cover the doorway so he can't see into the apartment. I straighten myself up and join her at the door.

"Isaac had his find my phone on," he says showing us his phone screen "don't worry I'm not a stalker."
"Anyway I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to stay round mine and Isaacs house for tonight if it makes you feel safer, it'll make me feel better anyways knowing you were safe." He continues.

She looks over at me as if she's asking permission. Which is stupid I'm obviously gonna agree. "I actually don't think that's a bad idea."

"Then I don't see an issue with it!" She says smiling. Scott gives her a small smile back. Scott jumps back onto his death trap of a motor bike and drives round to his. Me and Katie jump back in Melissa's car and follow him


Here's a shorter chapter since I'm tired lol

Words count - 1034

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