So many questions

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Katie's pov

On my way to Kira's house i realised that I don't actually know what happened to Peter as I left early with Ellie. Kira won't know either because she wasn't there but maybe Scott told her. I'll ask her just in case she knows anyway.

When I get there I don't even bother knocking on the door. "Oh hey mr Yukimaria!" I saw walking past kiras dad. He just shot me a confused look as I walked up the stairs. I just carried on walking leaving him alone in the kitchen. I open the door to kiras room and next thing I knew she already had her arms around me pulling me into a hug. "Hello there." I say as we sit on her bed.

I open my mouth to speak but before anything happens. "Me and Scott had sex last night! It was out first and I've been dying to talk about it all day with someone but I couldn't because we were at school!" She says in one breath. The whole time she speaks she can't stop smiling. It makes me smile at her happiness.

"Tell me everything!"


After me and Kira talk about her time with Scott last night we watch a movie. "Hey Kira? Do you know what happened to peter?" I ask finally feeling brave enough to ask.

"Scott said he escaped." She said shoving her face full of popcorn. "After they went to go find you they left Liam with Peter. When they got back Liam had blood stains all over him, he was out cold and Peter was gone."

I don't reply I just nod and carry on watching the movie but I wasn't really paying attention. I had so many unanswered questions. The only person I could think off to go to was Derek. If he didn't have the answers then... we'll I'd have to talk to Peter. What did Peter mean when he said full abilities? He knew who I was when he turned me, why did he turn me? He obviously knew enough about me to know what he was doing.

After the movie was over I said goodbye to Kira. I message Isaac telling him I was going to be late back but I didn't say why. I started a light jog to Dereks loft. He didn't live too far away from Kira.

I went inside knowing Derek wouldn't care. When I opened the door to his loft Derek was staring out the window. "Hey Katie," he says turning around. "I heard your footsteps up here." He expands.
"I think I know why your here. Come, sit." He says taking a seat in a chair and tapping on the couch opposite it indicating for me to sit.

"What did Peter mean, When he said unlock my full ability?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows. "I thought you told me that you'd taught me everything there is to know?"

"I did. There's only one thing Peter could have meant when he said that. But it's impossible." Derek says leaning back looking confused.

"What do you mean?"

"The only thing I can think off is a full wolf. But that's impossible. I'm full wolf and I get it from my mother. There's no way you could be full wolf as it only runs in her bloodline. He might have just meant that you were a powerful wolf because of your athletic background." Derek explains. He still looks a bit confused as he explains it to me. I smile and just thank him for his help.

"I have one more question?" I say before I stand up.

"Of course."

"Will you help me find Peter? I need to know what he meant fully. I need to know who I am you know? I just don't want the pack to know I want to talk to him."

Derek takes a deep breath. "I'll help you look for him. But you don't talk to him while I'm not there. Deal?" He said holding out his hand.

"Deal." I say shaking it.

I call Isaac on the way home. "Hey, would you mind picking me up?" I ask shivering. I think Isaac could hear my teeth chattering.

"Of course love, where are you?" He asks as I hear him moving around.

"I'll share my location with you." I say ending the phone and sharing my location. Just then I heard Peters voice.

"Hello Katie." He says from the shadows. "I hear you have so many questions about me."

"Stop following me. I have questions yes but I don't need answers from you. I have others ways of getting what I need." I say as I carry on walking.

"I may be the bad guys in your story. But in mine, I'm your saviour." He whispers the last part yet it still echo's through the empty street. "I made you, I'm responsible for everything you are." He whispers again. I take deep breaths knowing Isaac will be there soon.

"The only thing you did is make me strong enough to end you." I say trying to act cool.

He just laughs at my comment. "Don't kid yourself Katie. You wouldn't kill me, you need me to learn." He whispers. This time it echoes all around me. I don't even know where the sound is coming from.

What did he mean learn? What did any of this mean? I was snapped out of my thoughts as I ran into someone's arms. I didn't even know I was running. I look up and it's Peter. "You need me."

Just then a car horn started beeping from next to me I look into the drivers seat and it's Issac. He gets out the car and wraps me into a warm hug and warps his jacket around my shoulders. We get in the car and drive back to his. Later that night I send Derek a message saying we need to start hunting as soon as possible and explain to him what happened.

I slipped out of bed. It was 2:30am. My throat was really dry so I snuck upstairs to get a drink trying not to wake Isaac up. I reach into the cupboard where all the glasses are kept and reach for one.

Just then I heard Isaac panting like he was out of breath. I quickly ran to him and he was looking around his room scared and clueless. I quickly ran over to him and pulled him close to my body hushing him and telling him it was okay. He soon fell asleep again in my arms and so did i.


Word count - 1105

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