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Isaacs pov

Me and Derek were looking all morning to try and find Katie in the woods. Derek had brought some hot drinks and a jacket because it was freezing out last night. We couldn't stay out looking for her even though that's all we wanted to do. It's been driving me insane not knowing wether she's okay or not.

Every now and then Derek howls trying to signal his location to her or trying to get a howl back so we can just follow the noise. We couldn't catch her scent or anything. I really hope she's not dead. It was still a bit nippy outside. Whenever a blast of wind came all the little hairs on my arms would stand up due to the cold rush.

"It's no use Derek. What if she's dead?" I ask sliding my back down the side of a tree.

Derek comes and kneels in-front of me placing a hand on my shoulder. "We will find her. Dead or alive. She's most likely still alive anyway." He says giving me a warm smile. It's always nice when Derek smiles at you but it's also scary he only smiles when something bad was about to happen but he didn't wanna look at the negative side of things. We looked around the woods for ages, I ran around like a headless chicken as Derek described it anyway. I wasn't going to give up until I found her. I couldn't loose her. Not now, not ever.

I hear another howl and I look over to Derek to see if it was him. Our eyes locked and it wasn't him. We ran towards each other. "It came from that way." Derek said pointing behind me. "She sounded weak so we have to hurry."

Me and Derek ran in the direction where Derek had pointed me towards.

"Remind me again why you didn't want the rest of the pack to come and help? We could've found her a lot quicker if you let them help." I say not looking over at him. I just wanted to get to Katie.

"Because she'll be vulnerable. She's just killed her own blood. She'll be confused and scared. If the whole pack came out looking for her she could get overwhelmed easily. It's better if it's just you and me. You because you have a special connection with her and me because I've been doing this my whole life and I may have some advice and helping words to offer her." He says. For the rest of the run we are silent. Derek howls again trying to see if she will howl back. This was mainly to see if she was still alive and which direction she in from where we were now. She howled back. It was quiet so she had to have been close by. Derek took a few turns and there she was. Laid in the leaves in her bra, blazer and her now ripped up leggings. She also no longer was wearing her black heels from the night before. Her hair was all matted and she had twigs and leaves in it. Her skin was also tinted blue. I whipped my shirt off, took all the things from Derek and ran over to her. Derek also took off his shirt joins me next to her. I take off her blazer gently and put my shirt on her, I then put Dereks shirt on her and help her into the jacket we bought for her and zip it up. I also put the blazer back on her and button it up. I pull her closer to my body for warmth. Derek hands her the hot drinks. To be completely honest I'm surprised there still hot.

"Drink these." He says. "It might help, we're gonna get you out of here okay but we can't right now."

"My eyes... there different." She said squeezing her eyes tightly shut.

"There different but there still beautiful." I say trying to comfort her.

"Why are they blue?" She asks finally opening them and flashing her blue eyes at Derek.

Derek and I exchanged worried looks afraid of how she'll react. I shake my head as if to say 'don't tell her. Not yet.' He just nods his head in agreement. "We're gonna tell you later okay? But for now drink up so we can get you out of here."

My phone starts ringing but I can't get it while I'm holding Katie. "Derek would you grab her please?" He nods his head and takes my place.

"Where you going Isaac!" Katie says weakly grabbing my wrist.

"I'll be back soon love." I kiss her forehead and walk out of hearing distance. I don't want Katie to hear this call.

I pick up the phone and it's Scott. "Hey Isaac." He greets as I pick up.


"Did you find Katie?"

"Yeah but she's not in a good way. Her skins tinted blue and she's frozen. She also doesn't remembering killing her dad. She might do but she doesn't know why her eyes are blue now."

"Okay. Im gonna call the others and organise a lot of space heaters. Bring her to the animal clinic." After Scott finished speaking he hung up the phone and I made my way back to Derek and Katie. I picked her up as she had finished her hot drinks. Derek stood up and I carried her out of the forest and to the animal clinic explaining the plan to Derek on the way there.


We walked inside to see Scott, Kira, Ellie, stiles, Liam, Lydia, Malia and Dr Deaton. I laid her on the table so dr deaton could see. "Just as I suspected.. mild hypothermia."

"Pick her up and follow me." I did as he said and we all followed him to a different room. There was loads of space heaters everywhere and fans blowing out not cold but hot air. The radiators were also turned on at max. There was also a bathtub in the middle of the room.

"The bath is full of luke warm water. I couldn't make it hot water because the transfer from the state she's in, hot water would be servilely dangerous." He explained. "Someone will have to get in it with her as she doesn't seem like she can even keep her own head up at the moment."

Everyone was looking at me. I got in the bath and lowered myself and Katie in it. I took off her blazer and her jacket so the water would get to her faster. I left mine and Dereks shirts on her though.

"Is no one wondering why neither of these two have shirts on?" Ellie asks pointing at me and Derek. Everyone's eyes just turn to Katie like it was obvious she was wearing them.


We all have a conversation while I lay the bath with Katie. Finally her skin starts to turn back to it's normal colour and she starts to look more lively.

"Get her out would you Isaac?" Dr Deaton says and he grabs three towels from the scorching hot radiators. "Ones for you Isaac and the other two are for Katie, sit her there on that bench. I have some things to attend too." He says throwing the key to the clinic to Scott.

We wrap Katie in the towels to dry her off. I dry myself off. Malia and Kira sit on either side off her and I sit with Derek Scott and stiles. Lydia had to go use the bathroom and Ellie went with her.

"What do we tell her?" I say finally breaking the silence.

"The truth." Kira replied. Katie was a lot better now she was just sleeping.

"She probably remembers it, I remember killing my mum when I wolfed out on a full moon. She's probably just confused as to why it changed her eye colour." Malia says looking down at Katie. "We can't lie to her."

"Malia has a point." Ellie said as she entered the room with Lydia. "I remember killing mum."

"Derek can you tell her?" I ask my voice shaking a bit. "I can't bring myself to do it."

Derek just nods and that's when Katie wakes up. "KATIE!" I shout as I ran over to her. I didn't even care that there were people watching. I ran over to her and smashed my face into hers kissing her lips softly. I feel her smile into the kiss as she cups my cheek. When I pull back I look into her gorgeous eyes.

"Why hello to you to." She says sweetly


Word count - 1445

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