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Katie's pov

Me and Isaac drive back to Scott's house after training. "Isaac?"


"I- I'm scared to go home tonight... what if Peter finds me again.." I say honestly playing with a piece of my hair nervously.

"So stay. Stay with me again. Scott won't mind and Melissa won't care." He says pulling into Melissa's driveway. I smile and nod.

"Thank you." We walk down to the basement again and chill out there for the rest of the day. We watch loads of movies. We had some laughs together and even some cries together.

When we turn of the tv we lay on top on the covers both staring at the ceiling in comfortable silence.  I really like Isaac. "Hey, Katie?" She says. I nod for him to continue. "There's a Halloween party next week. It's a black light party. I was wondering if you wanted to go with me."

"Is this another trap?" I say jokingly. Isaac laughs a little and so do I.

"Not this time."

"Then I'd love to go with you." I say smiling. My phone dings and I'm surprised to see a message from Kira and stiles. I opened the one from Kira and it read 'I saw you and Isaac outside of Dereks earlier! You two make a cute couple!' I laugh at the word couple. I mean I liked him, I did. But we've only just met! I text her back reminding her we're not dating and she sends back a shocked face emoji. I just reply with the laughing one. I open the message from stiles. 'Hey! I was wondering if you and Isaac wanted to come to a movie tomorrow with me and Malia! It be lovely to get to know you some more.'

I turn my head to face Isaac. He turns his to face me. "Stiles wants to know if you and me will go to a movie with him and Malia to a movie tomorrow for some bonding."

"Are you asking me if I want to or are you just telling me so I'm aware?" He asks.

"Asking you."

"I'm down."

I message stiles back and he replies with a thumbs up. "Just ask me." I say to Isaac.

"W- what do you mean?"

"I can tell you wanna ask me something so just do it."

"What was your dad like, before you mum died?" He asks Turning to face me again. I didn't turn to face him though I carried on starring up. I take a deep breath before I say anything.

"He was my saviour. I used to live in a small town called Sainsbury before I lived here it wasn't a very rich place. It's where all the poor people lived. All the rich people lived in a huge town called Tesco. No matter how much money we had dad would always make sure I had the best birthday and Christmas. He didn't make it about the presents. We used to make board games together and mum would help us make a rule book for them. We'd also make our own decorations for the Christmas tree and he wrote out age and the year on each one. He kept every single one. We also used to play bowling with our homemade set. We used plastic cups as the pins and I scrunched up piece of paper as the bowling ball. If my dad taught me anything it was that good times didn't come from money and for the memories and good times he provided for me I'll always be thankful." He told me about his dad so it's only fair that I opened up about mine.

"That sounds amazing." Isaac says as he stands up. He runs up stairs leaving me alone in his room confused. When he comes back he's holding a stack of disposable plastic cups and a stack of paper. "Wanna do some bowling?" He asks. I just laugh at his dorkiness. He shuts the door and pulls out a box of markers from underneath his bed.

"I'd love to!" I say while laughing. I come join him on the floor and help him set it all up.


After it was all set up Isaac set up a score board. He looks at the makeshift bowling with a puzzled look. "Somethings missing." He says.
"AH! I know what it is!" He gets up and garbs 4 book off his bookshelf and makes a wall. I laugh at him.

"You seriously play bowling with the walls up?" I ask

"Katie one thing your about to learn about me is that I am terrible at bowling." I laugh at his comment. He picks up a piece of paper and scrunches it up into a ball. He throws it at the cups knocking over only one. I burst out laughing and he does.

I do the same. "Isaac when I told you about this I left out a little trick of mine," I pulled a stone out of my pocket and put it in the middle of the paper ball. "I know how to play dirty." I rolled the paper along the floor without even looking and got a strike. I start laughing as Isaacs jaw hangs open.

"CHEATER!" He screams tackling me to the floor so he's on top of me. I just laugh even more.

"Anger issues much." I laugh in his face as he laughs too. He sits back where he was helping me to my original position. We play bowling for hours. But those hours only felt like minutes. I can't believe he actually did this for me.


I get back into bed and he does to. We get under the covers. "Can I kiss you yet?" He asks after we've both calmed down.

His question takes me by surprise. I laugh and roll over so I'm resting against his chest again covering my face. He puts his arms around me and we drift off to sleep.


Word count - 1000

Till death due us part [Isaac Lahey x reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang