Scotts house

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Katie's pov

We finally arrived at Scott's house it was definitely an improvement from mine, though mind you, a shed would be better than mine.

We walked inside and Scott was standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for us. "One day I am very much looking forward to opening a door and not having everyone waiting for me." I say following him into the living room with a giggling Isaac behind me.

"Isaac can I talk to you for a minute?" Scott says. Isaac just nods and and they walk to a room which I assume is a kitchen. I check my phone while there gone to see a message from Kira. It read 'great meeting you today! We should definitely hang out soon!' I like that idea a lot. I opened the message and reply saying 'yeah I agree 100%" she then sent another message congratulating me for getting lacrosse captain. I hadn't even thought about that. I send back a smile emoji and then go to tell all my friends from Sainsbury. After that I just wait for Isaac and Scott to come back.

"After discussing it we have come up with a few ideas on where you can sleep tonight." Scott says as they both come take a seat on the couch opposite me. "You can either sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the couch or you can stay In Isaacs room." He continues. Well there really wasn't much of a hard decision to make here.

"I don't wanna steal your bed of you so I'll just stay in Isaacs room with him. If that's okay of course." I see Isaacs smile as he leans back on the couch at my answer.

"Obviously it's okay, he's the one that suggested it." Isaac smacks Scott across the back of the head and goes red in the face a little bit. I laugh at his embarrassment and Scott rubbing the back of his head.

Isaac leads me down to his basement room. He switches the light on and wow is magnificent. I never knew a basement could look so nice. He has posters of his favourite bands and tv shows on one wall. On the other wall leant a big bookshelf filled with book and the occasional framed photo of him and the pack. He also had a tv hung up on the wall opposite is double bed. His bed looks so comfortable and warm. I look at him for permission to test it out.

"Go for it." He says indicating to his bed. I smile at him and flip onto his bed. It just sort of swallowed me. It was the most comfortable thing I'd ever laid on. Though mind you before this I'd slept on tons of couches where people's butts are, the bed at my dads which was never nice and the floor.

"This is what I call heaven." I say. I hear a big thud next to me, it was Isaac flopping on next to me.

"Now who's basement are you making fun off because it certainly isn't mine." We both laugh at his comment and sit up and learn our backs against the head board.

"Do you want me to sleep on the floor then?" I ask not knowing weather he was comfortable sharing a bed.

"Are you seriously asking that. No I don't want you to sleep on the floor you idiot. I will." He says.

"No don't," I reply "Stay in the bed, I'd hate myself for making you sleep on the floor." 

Isaac nods his head. "I will stay in the bed, but only if you do to." He says with a smile reaching up to my face to tuck a loose piece of hair behind my ear. The affects this guy has on me was unreal. I nod returning a smile. "You wanna watch a movie or something?" He asks pointing towards his rather large tv screen.

"Pick a sad movie and I will kill you." I say handing him his tv remote which was sat next to me. He switches on the tv and puts on a Halloween movie which is fitting as Halloween is next week.


After the movie ends we decided to get some comfy and some clean clothes on as we slept in what we're wearing last night. "Shit!" I say hitting my head against the wall.

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