The pack

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Katie's pov:

We all jumped out of the window again. "wait," stiles starts causing all off us to come to a stop and turn around to face him. "Scott's the alpha... but Katie just killed peter. That means she's also an alpha. What does that mean for the pack?" he asks rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

I look around at the pack who is starring at me and I smile. I walk over to Scott and put my hand out for him to shake before I start talking "I love this pack. Its my family. I couldn't imagine life without it. Scott your always gonna be the alpha, after all your a true alpha. Id be honoured to be in your pack with you. Just because my eyes are red doesn't mean we cant make this work." I say smiling at him sweetly. 

Scott smiles back but doesn't shake my hand yet. "Katie I want to be alpha with you at my side. I don't want to be your alpha, I want to be alphas together. what do you say?"

I pause for a moment shocked at what he just offered to me. "hell yeah!" I say enthusiastically. He just smiles and finally shakes my hand. We all come together for a group hug. 

we all make our way to Derek and stiles' cars and get in them. After that we all drive Derek's loft to celebrate the victory. We have a pack party. Malia gets us some alcohol even though most of us cant even get drunk. Werewolves cant get drunk. Isaac walks over to me and wraps his arms around me from behind. "Hello to you to." I say turning around in his grip to kiss him sweetly on the lips. 

"I love you Katie, I never wanna leave you ever again." he says panicky. I kiss him again to make him stop talking none sense. 

"You wont loose me ever again."

"I mean, is it crazy? I'm only 19 and yet i feel like your the only person I'm ever going to love. Your the only I want to give all my love too. When you died today my whole world just stopped spinning and it felt like I couldn't breathe, it felt like id never breathe the same because you weren't going to be there with me." Isaac explains slowly to me. I cup his face and take a deep breathe. I cant believe I'm about to do this. 

I kiss him passionately then pull away. "So marry me." I say. that's when I noticed all eyes on us. Derek just looked me straight in the eyes with a smile on his face and nodded at me as if to say carry on your doing great. I cant believe I just said that. He's going to say no. 

"No," He replies reaching into his pocket. I swear my heart just shattered into a million pieces. Isaac pulls out a little black box. I suddenly feel myself grow confused.  He gets down one knee and opens in box so I can see what's inside. Inside there's a gorgeous silver ring inside. "Will YOU, marry ME?" 

I start crying with joy. "Of course I will." I say pulling him up to kiss him.

"WHOOP WHOOP!" Ellie shouts.

"I KNEW YOU TWO WERE MEANT TO BE!" Kira shouts from behind me. 

"LOVE BIRDS!" Stiles'  joins in causing everyone to laugh and join in. 

"I think our Alphas should give speeches. After all were here to celebrate the pack and now this new engagement." Lydia says with a smirk on her lips. 

Scott just laughs as Liam and Ellie just push him up to the front. Everyone just laughs at Scott's awkward smiley face. "Well I'm not the best at big speeches, especially when I have nothing planned but here goes nothing. A wise old man once told me that the bite is a gift. At first it was a gift I didn't want, but now that I'm standing here in front of my family I realise its the best possible gift I could have ever asked for. I love you guys so much. Here's to us." Scott says raising his glass in the air before taking a drink. He pulls the glass away from his face and looks at me and Isaac. Isaac had his arm around my shoulder and we both had a drink in our hands. "Congratulations on the engagement." he says finally.

Every claps and Scott goes bright red in the face before joining us again. We all just smile and laugh. "Your turn!" Scott says taking my arm and leading me to the front.

Everyone, including Isaac, laughs at my embarrassed face. When we all settle down I take a deep breath. "I haven't been completely honest with you all. But after today I think you all deserve to know. My dad, well I guess my adoptive dad, was abusive. He'd been aggressive towards me ever since mum died. I've never really had a good family life, that was until I met all of you. Over these past couple of months I realised that you can choose your family, and I choose you guys. I love you all so much its unreal. Before I met you all I was a nobody but you guys made me a someone and for that I will forever be thankful. Here's to our pack." I say pulling everyone into a group hug. "Now lets fucking party!" I say causing everyone to laugh. Liam puts on some music and we all start dancing around together. 


Later that night Derek comes over to me and takes me to the side. "I'm sorry about you parents but let me be the one to show you what a real family member is meant to be like, I am your brother after all."

"I always knew there was something about you that felt familiar. Now that I know its because your my brother I'm never letting you go. I've always wanted a brother." I say smiling at him. Derek returns the same smile and pulls me into a hug. He takes me back through to where the party is and we just dance our hearts out.



word count - 1048

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