Girls night

36 1 1

Katie's pov

We all stay at Dereks just talking. We fell into a comfortable silence which was broken by Kira. She could clearly tell I was still upset about what happened.

"It's happened to me too you know," she said placing a hand one my knee. "Don't beat yourself up about it." She gave me a warm smile.

"Me too actually." malia said. I smile at their attempt to comfort me.

We sit around talking for a while again until Derek walks in. He comes to sit with us and smiles warmly before speaking. "He hates himself for going after that kid. He knows it's not what you wanted but he couldn't help himself. Isaac the best version of himself when he's around you and he just wanted to get revenge on your behalf. Coach banned the other team from playing at your school ever again if that makes you feel any better. Also I know you've been staying at Isaacs house so if you don't wanna go back tonight the three of you can stay here. I'm off to Braidens house tonight anyway so the place is yours." He said while handing me the keys to the loft.
"Be mad at him for as long as you want but don't beat him up about it, he's already doing that to himself." With that Derek left.

"He has a point you know," malia says. "That day at the cinema I could see the chemistry between you two. You just work. And you really do bring out the best in him."

"Like Derek said, stay mad. Just don't stay mad forever." Kira chimes in.

Kira drives to the shop to pick up loads of snacks. She also goes to the video store to pick us all out a movie to watch. While she does that me and Malia get loads of blankets and pillows and candles and cover the couches in them. We place the candles around the room and move Dereks TV closer to the couches so we can actually see it.

"Can I ask you a question?" I say as we finally take a seat on the couch.

"Of course."

"How did you know stiles was the one for you?" I ask leaning back.

"There's so many reason. I love the way he treats me and his personality is just everything I've ever wanted. He makes life better just with something as simple as a smile. He's just so amazing,I love him." while Malia speaks she has the biggest smile on her face. "That's what you have with Isaac isn't it?"

"I don't know what it is with Isaac, but it's certainly not nothing." I say honestly sitting up again. Just then Kira walks through the door.

"A little help please?" She shouts dropping all her bags. We rush over to her and take some of the bags bringing them over to the couch.

"So what movie did you get?" Malia asks bouncing up and down in excitement.

Kira goes into her jacket and pulls out a movie. "Twilight. It's my favourite movie." Malia and Kira just smile. I've never seen twilight nor heard of it so I have no idea what the big fuss about this movie is.

Kira puts the movie on and we all get under the blankets and watch it with all of the snacks Kira got us.

The whole time during the movie I just kept thinking about Isaac. The party he invited me too happens in two days. Part of me just wants to call. I already missed a call from him but Kira told me the leave it for tonight and see how I feel in the morning. She had a point. I just kept thinking about his smile and the way he would hold me at night. I didn't wanna be his friend, I wanted to be more than friends. What Malia was saying about stiles really got me thinking. I want what they have with Isaac. I'll talk to him tomorrow at school.

I watched the rest of the movie with the girls. When the movie was over they insisted we watched the second one, so we did. Then the third. Then the fourth. I finally managed to get to sleep at 3:51am when they started to get tired. To be fair to them it did seem like a good movie Series.


Sorry for a short chapter again! The next ones will be a lot longer

Word count - 751

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