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I was sitting on the couch, and was feeding my five-months-old daughter, JeeWoon, when I heard the front door getting unlocked, and an excited little RoWoon, came running towards me, who was busy nibbling on a chocolate bar?
[Yes, Jungkook and I are already married, and I also gave birth to this beautiful little princess, JeeWoon, a few months after our marriage. Jimin-sshi is currently at Seoul, busy setting up his new company there, as he wants to get settled in his motherland only. Moreover, Jungkook too is busy wrapping up his Diner here, and moving and establishing it back to Seoul, as all three of us wants to get back to South Korea, and spend the rest of our lives there only, with the rest of our family and friends. And luckily Jimin-sshi has found his true partner too. They are currently dating, and is going to get engaged soon.]
RoWoon: “See Eomma! Appa bought me a chocolate!” As he kept waving the unfinished bar in-front of me, I gave him a soft smile and said, “Okay sweetheart, you can have that left-over bar later on. Now go and wash your hands, and come down for dinner.”
RoWoon: “Okay Eomma!” But before leaving, he peeked at JeeWoon, who was now sleeping peacefully in my arms. “Eomma, is she sleeping?”
Y/N: “Yes bae’by. But she will wake up soon. You can play with her then.” I ruffled his fluffy hair gently, as he kept adoring his little JeeWoon. Then flashing me a joyful smile, he hurriedly ran away to his room.
Huffing a bit, as I turned around, I saw Jungkook standing a few inches away from me, his body leaning against the wall, hands inside his pockets, his face filled with happiness. I gently placed JeeWoon on the couch, and went towards him.
Y/N: “Your smile reveals that there’s good news.”
Jungkook (wrapping his arms around her and smiling mischievously): “What other good news do I need, when I have such a wonderful family to get back to at the end of a hectic day?!”
Y/N (rolling her eyes lightly): “Okay, I get it. You need Pizza for dinner. Stop flattering me now.” Letting out a hearty chuckle, Jungkook pinched my nose. “I feel honored, that my wife knows me so well!”
Y/N: “Well, I do! But I guess, you don’t know much about me yet.”
As Jungkook frowned a bit hearing my words, I finally let out my thoughts hesitatingly. “Jeon, you know, I have kind of banned chocolate–“ But before I could finish my trail of thoughts, Jungkook silenced me by attaching his lips with that of mine.
Jungkook: “I know exactly what you want to say love. But don’t worry Doll, I will never let anything bad happen to this beautiful family of ours. I know there was a time, when things got astray. But now that I am here, I sincerely promise to create a safe haven for my precious family.”
And once again, his words, his warmth, made me feel safe and contempt. While I placed my head on his chest, and snaked my arms around his neck, my fingers getting lost within his long strands of purple-ish hair, my husband on the other hand kept holding me tightly in his embrace, providing me with all the warmth, comfort and contempt I needed, making me feel…



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