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"Damn Jungkook! Pick up the phone already!" As I paced back and forth in my room, I could feel the immense tension building up in my body. I kept on cursing him, when suddenly, the person from the other end received the call.
Jungkook: "Yahhh! Jimin! What is it? Can't you just call me in the evening? Or sometime later? You know today is a big day for me! I am already freaking out! And here you are, instead of calming me down, you are doing your best to freak me out even more!" He kept on blabbering. And as he wasn't even sparing me a chance to speak, I was getting even more frustrated.
Jungkook: "And what's up with Y/N? Did you tell her already? Why did she seem to be so excited when I called her up to meet me in the park? The moment I said her to meet me, she literally screamed and said, she was meaning to ask me for the same, as she too had some good news for me? Park Jimin! You dare not say that you spilled the tea!"
Finally losing my temper, I shouted, "Jungkook shut up! And listen to me carefully! Y/N is excited because–" But he pitched in again! "I know right! She is extremely overjoyed I don't know why! Oh! Wait! There she comes! I gotta go! Talk to you later!"


From far away I noticed Y/N coming towards my direction. I could easily figure out the broad smile pasted on her face, and the joyful sprint in her steps. "I wonder, what's the matter. Does she know already?" As those thoughts kept lingering in my mind, and as I was about to disconnect the call, I heard Jimin screaming from the other end.
Jimin: "Jungkook don't cut the call! It's a matter of your happiness! Listen to me! Otherwise within no time everything will get shattered into pieces!"
His words took me by surprise, making me raise my eyebrows with suspicion. "My happiness?" I uttered. But before I could ask anything else, Y/N came running towards me and with no words said, she literally jumped into my embrace, making me lose my balance slightly. And as I was still holding on to the cellphone, I wrapped my free arm around her waist, and asked, "What's the matter?"
"I am getting married!" Both of them replied in unison.
I was taken aback with the sudden revelation. "Ma-marriage? Who? Who-whom?" My mind temporarily lost its capability of processing anything that was being performed around me. I kept standing still, staring at the vast horizon in-front of me. Everything was getting blurry. Neither was I able to see anything, nor was I able to hear anything, when suddenly a harsh shake brought me back to reality. "JEOOON? Are you listening?" Y/N shook me hard. Staring back at her, I stammered, "To who-whom?"
Jimin (sadly): "To Y/N."
Y/N (excitedly): "To Jimin-sshi!"
As those words hit me, I felt my knees giving up. I begged my mind, to provide me with the strength I needed. But it seemed like, my mind and soul too wanted to ditch me badly at that very moment. I stumbled a bit, but Y/N held me immediately.
Y/N (with concerned eyes): "Jeon?! Are you alright?"
Nodding my head vigorously, and trying to shake off my tears, I replied, "Yeah! I-I am absolutely fine! I happy..for you two Doll!" And I could hear Jimin sighing disappointingly from the other end.
Jimin: "Jungkook, listen to me very carefully. It seems like our parents had been planning this marriage for quite a long time. And today they announced it in-front of us, in the lunch date. Now I feel like, technically this lunch was organized by our parents to serve this announcement. We know pretty well that all three of our families had been technically together from the time of our childhood, and it’s quite natural for them to turn this friendship of theirs into something more meaningful. But then, we know this too, that they won’t just put their decisions on us. If we deny any of their decisions, they will definitely listen to us. So buddy, I am telling you, there's still time. You can stop all of this from happening." Taking a deep breath Jimin continued, "I called you to say that, no matter what, don't back off from your plan. You were supposed to reveal your feelings to Y/N today. Don't let this news stop you from doing so."
Hearing the entire news, I looked at Y/N, who was still staring at me with full of excitement and happiness. Smile never escaped her lips for even a second. "What did she say?" I asked back, my gaze never leaving her beautiful face.
Jimin: "She said ‘yes’, Jungkook. But I know, the moment she will get to know about your feelings, she will definitely change her mind. This is the last chance you have got Jungkook! Don't let it go. Speak up buddy! Please speak up!"
"I-I will!" I mumbled, and disconnected the call. As my vision was getting blurred again, because of the tears that were forming in my eyes, I pulled Y/N back in my embrace, and let my final words out. "I am so ha-happy for you two Doll. Finally, you are going to ge-get the man of your dreams." And, while she was tightening her embrace, I was covering my mouth with my spare hand, to stifle my sobs; while she was feeling the happiness of getting the love of her life, I was feeling the pain of losing it forever.


I was adjusting my tie in-front of the mirror, when I heard a knock on the door. As I asked the person to come in, the door opened, revealing a man in a black hoodie, and a black mask. His head was covered with the hood. Closing the door behind him, he came forward, and removed his face covering. "Jungkook?!" I was a bit surprised to see his state. "Why are you in casuals? Where is your suit?"
But without providing me with any explanation, he reached out for his bag that he was carrying, and pulled out a pouch from inside it. He then took my hand, and placing the pouch on it, he said, "Give this to Doll. It's a charm bracelet, that she always wanted to have as a wedding gift from me."
Looking at the pouch, I said hesitatingly, "But, why don't you give it to her yourself? She will be happier to receive it from you, as she expected it only from you." But with a lowering gaze, and trembling voice, he replied, "I-I am leaving Jimin." "What?" I was shocked to hear his statement. And then as my gaze travelled to his bag, I realized he wasn't lying.
Jimin: "But where? And what about our wedding? You know Y/N will be expecting you to be there for her."
Letting out a sad smile, he mumbled, "She doesn't need me anymore. She has you now." Stopping for a moment, and then again continuing with a pain-stricken voice, he finally said, "Take care of my Doll. I am leaving my girl in your hands." And before I could even stop him, he hurriedly left, and I kept standing in my position, feeling lost, anxious, and somewhat broken too to a great extent.
Gradually the time passed, and the moment arrived for the ceremonies to take place. As I stood there at the Altar, and Y/N walked down the Aisle, I saw impatience taking over her. Her eyes kept searching for the man her heart wanted to see, rather than looking at the man who was actually standing there in the front, for her. As she reached the Altar, her father placed her hand in mine. She lightly smiled at me, to which I responded with a smile, "You are looking gorgeous, love."
The ceremony resumed and we took our vows. As I was about to place the ring in her ring finger, she hesitatingly asked me the most dreaded question. "Jimin-sshi, where is Jeon? Why isn't he here yet?"
Though my heart was aching with pain, and guilt – guilt of taking away someone else’s love – yet I kept my serenity unbroken in-front of her. Therefore, without looking at her, I slid the ring in her finger, and staring at it intently, I finally uttered...

"Jungkook has left us, forever."

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