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Finally reaching the University gate, I hurriedly went inside. Though my de-synchronized legs nearly made me stumble at the front gate, yet somehow, I managed. As my idle self was running out of time, my mind kept cursing me incessantly, for waking up late again, and while wheezing down the corridor, I could feel my cellphone vibrating inside my jean's pocket for umpteenth number of times by then.
The moment I reached my locker, I quickly stuffed the bag inside, grabbed the essentials for the first class, and was about to close it, when something familiar struck my eyes. “Another typed note from my secret admirer!” I screamed internally and gasped after reading the small piece of paper.

Would you like to be my partner for the Prom Night?

“He wants me to be his partner for the Prom Night, this coming week!” I was just about to start day-dreaming, when the cellphone started vibrating, yet again, making me groan out loudly. “Not again!”
Exactly knowing who this person was, continuously disturbing me, I reluctantly took out the phone, and without even checking the Caller ID, I received the call, and almost yelled, "Aishhh! What is it Jeon?!" And instantly from the other end, I could hear Jungkook growling back in a whispering tone (even could clearly picture his fuming face in my mind), "Where the hell are you dummy?! Professor Yang is already here! He even took the attendance! I told him that you had to rush to the washroom due to 'emergency'! But I can't keep up with this shitty excuse for long! So better drag your lazy ass up over here quickly!"
"I will be there within a minute!" Quickly hanging up the call, I sprinted up the stairs, and finally entered the classroom.
Y/N: "Professor, may I come in please?"
Professor Yang: "Come in Miss Y/N. Are you, all right? You are literally panting."
Immediately getting a hold on to myself I replied, "Yes Professor, I am fine. I was just in a hurry. Thank you for your concern though." And I quickly bowed 90° in-front of him.
Professor Yang: "Okay. Please have your seat then."
Spotting my pal Jungkook sitting at the last bench, I went and slumped next to him, annoyance clearly painted all over his face, for me being late again. I kept staring at his much-irritated face, but he didn't even bother to spare me a glance. And finally getting defeated in this staring game, I then started poking him on his arm. “Still no response! This boy really becomes too cruel with me sometimes!”
[Jeon Jungkook, my best friend, my partner in crime, my late night gossip partner, my savior in awkward situations..and what not… Jungkook and I have been best friends for ages now (technically, from Elementary School). We always keep clinging on to each other. From doing homework, to visiting different places during the vacations, there’s no such thing that we don’t do together. Many of our friends even claim us being in a secret relationship with one another. But we never bother ourselves with any explanation regarding the bond we share. As we both have this belief within us, that the bond we share, is beyond all imaginable relations; it’s a bond so pure and strong, that nothing can ever break it, and make us fall apart.]
I was just about to give up on poking him, when he glared at me and said, "This was the last time I saved your ass Doll! [Jungkook habitually calls me Doll.] From next day onwards, I will simply say that you are late. I won't even care whether you get attendance or not."
I pouted. "I can see your love for me is gradually decreasing."
Jungkook: "I am not gonna fall for this Madam! I know your tricks way too well! So, try this with someone else." And again he diverted his gaze back to Professor Yang.
"Yahhh! This boy is too smart! I need to chalk out some new tricks I guess!" I gushed out in my head.
As my fickle mind kept wandering aimlessly, suddenly the thought of that typed letter crossed my mind. Taking it out carefully from my pocket, I kept on blushing as I read the sentence over and over again.
"Another note?" Jungkook asked, his eyes fixed on his text-book.
Y/N: "Yes."
Jungkook: "What is it this time?"
After carefully placing the note inside one of my books, I replied, "Jimin-sshi wants me to be his partner for the Prom Night!" I almost screamed, being all excited, driving everyone's attention towards the both of us.
Professor Yang: "Any problem Miss Y/N?"
Jungkook face-palmed himself, whereas I quickly stood up, and again bowing down 90°, I apologized, "No Professor. I am extremely sorry for causing the disturbance."
Getting a bit annoyed, Professor Yang simply yet irritatingly gestured me to sit down. And as I sat down, I saw Jungkook's eyes were fixed on me, which made me reflexively raise my eyebrows questioningly, giving him the queue to voice out his thoughts out loud. "How are you so sure that these letters which you have been receiving for a few months now, are all being sent to you by Jimin?"
"I myself don't know, why I believe these notes are being sent to me by Jimin-sshi. Is it really him though?" I thought to myself.
[Park Jimin, our classmate, and a real great friend of Jungkook's and mine, is my imaginable secret admirer, for whom my heart has developed a huge crush over the past two years now, yet I am unable to gather up the courage and confess my feelings to him, being afraid of the fact that it may ruin our friendship. Though Jungkook keeps on assuring me that Jimin will reciprocate my feelings, for he feels the same way too, but I always keep doubting this entire confessing session. Henceforth, even till this day, I have kept my feelings for him suppressed, deep down within my heart.]
Sighing deeply, I said, "I don't know Jeon. I know it's stupid of me to keep on thinking that Jimin-sshi is the one behind this, though there is no proof proving me to be correct. Yet this imaginable belief makes me happy. Though my mind keeps on reminding me, that it honestly might not be him, because the words that this admirer puts in his notes, fairly doesn’t resemble Jimin-sshi’s character and actions. This admirer’s words make me feel like, as if he knows me for ages, just like you!”
Jungkook instantly looked at me, and unconsciously bit his lower lip, which made me look back at him suspiciously. A weird and uncomfortable tension was about to surround the two of us, when I hesitantly asked him, “Is any!”
Jungkook quickly averted his gaze back to his books, and muttered, “Sometimes you really do say crazy stuffs. How can it be me? It’s definitely your Jimin-sshi. I am not into relationships, and stupid stuffs like those.”
Y/N (groaning a bit, and face-palming): “How stupid of me to forget, that my stupid stupid stupid unromantic best friend is only into banana milk, cameras, guitars and video games!”
Jungkook (in his mind): “Seriously, how stupid of me, really!”
“Sometimes it strangely seems like, it’s someone, who though is in-front of me, yet is invisible to my eyesight. This entire thing is really confusing the hell out of me!” I exhaled a deep groan, while Jungkook just kept staring at his notebook, his fingers fidgeting with his pencil, making it quite clear, that he wasn’t quite comfortable with the ongoing conversation, making me quickly breathe out, and draw an ending line to the conversation. “Anyways, let’s just leave this topic for the time being."
The silence prevailed between us for some time, and then finally pushing my thoughts aside, I asked while looking at Jimin's empty seat beside me, "Where’s he anyways?"
"Gone practicing, for the upcoming football tournament." Jungkook replied while scribbling down the answers written on the white-board.
Y/N (getting a bit confused): "Aren't you supposed to be there too? You are also in the team as far as I know!"
Putting down his pencil, he poked his inner cheek (right one) with his tongue, and finally looking at me, he said, "How could have I gone, while being busy saving my best friend's clumsy, late ass?" I could clearly see the evil smirk creeping up on his face.
Rolling my eyes, the only thing I could utter was, "concentrate in the class", as I knew, practically this monstrous bunny wasn't lying.

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