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"RoWoon, sit here quietly, okay bae’by? Don't go near the lake until Eomma is back with your ice-cream. Okay?" I picked my three-year-old son up, and placed him on one of the park's benches. "But RoWoon wanna feed the ducks Eomma!" He whined while making himself comfortable on the bench.
I knelt down in-front of him. "We will feed them bae’by. But let Eomma bring both RoWoon's and the ducks' food first. Till then, be a good boy. And drink some water." I stood up, took out the bottle from RoWoon's backpack, and placing it in his hands, I finally left for the nearby food stall.
As I returned after a few minutes, I saw RoWoon sitting on the bench, and munching on a chocolate bar. "I didn't give him any chocolate bar today! Where did he get that from? Did he get it in the Play School? But then that would have been the first thing he would have told me immediately after coming out!" As these thoughts kept clouding my mind, I hurriedly went back to him with his ice-cream.
"RoWoon, where did you get that bar from?" I asked, while placing myself beside him. He randomly pointed his finger towards a direction, and giving me a quick glance, and then diverting his gaze back to the unfinished bar, he said, "That uncle gave me."
I looked towards where he was pointing, but as it was day time, with a pleasant weather, many people were strolling in the park. Henceforth, I wasn't able to pin-point to whom he was referring to. Getting a bit panicked, I questioned him more sternly this time. "Which uncle? Show me properly!"
"That one." This time, neither did he look at me, nor did he point out towards any direction. That irritated me even more, making be snatch the bar out from his tiny grasp.
Y/N: "RoWoon! How many times did I tell you not to take anything from any stranger?"
RoWoon: "BUT EOMMAAA! He was nice with RoWoon! And he was a nice man too! He said that RoWoon is a good boy!" He whined, trying his level best to snatch back the bar from my hand.
Y/N: "How did you know, he was a nice man?" I huffed, raising my eyebrows.
RoWoon: "Because, because..." He kept on thinking for a few seconds, and then jumped up and said, "Yes! Because, he was like Appa!" Hearing that, I sighed, and finally pulling him down on my lap, I removed his thick, brownish bangs from his forehead and said, "Appa isn't yet here bae’by. I told you Appa has gone out of town, right? And–"
???: "Where is my Champ?"
Suddenly a voice interrupted us from nowhere, and as I looked up, I saw Jimin standing a few feet away from us, with a wide smile on his face. And the moment RoWoon saw him, he jumped off my lap, and ran towards him, with his arms wide open, screaming at the top of his lungs, "JIMIIIIIIIIIIN-SSHI!"
"RoWoon-aah! No calling him by his name! How many times–" But before I could even finish my sentence, RoWoon was already in Jimin's arms. The way both of them were hugging each other, it seemed as if they had finally found their long-lost love. Their hugging session lasted for a few minutes. Initially, Jimin picked him up in his arms, and placed the gift box, that he was carrying in RoWoon's hands, which the little guy was hardly able to hold on to it, as it was quite large for his tiny hands. So, Jimin had to hold it as well, for it to not fall off.
RoWoon: "Is this the helicopter I told you to buy?"
Jimin: "Yes Sir!"
RoWoon wrapped his arms around Jimin's neck and gave him a peck on his cheeks, excitement filling him up to the fullest for the gift he received. I kept staring at the two. As they came towards me, Jimin set RoWoon down, and he (RoWoon) came waddling towards me. "Eomma can I go and ride the swing?" As I was able to see the swing from where I was sitting, I nodded my head. "Okay. But be back quickly and be careful too." He nodded his head vigorously and ran off.
I was watching him riding, when Jimin came and sat beside me. "That kid is really energetic!" Keeping my eyes intact I sighed, "And naughty as well. Just like his father." And with that I turned my gaze towards Jimin. He chuckled a bit, and shifted slightly towards me. Placing his palm on my lap he said, "So? What's bothering you?"
Looking at him, I raised one of my eyebrows questioningly.
Jimin: "I can read your mind, heart and your face as well, Y/N. You are worried about something. What's the matter?"
Y/N (sighing): "While I had gone to buy RoWoon's ice-cream, he met a man, who gave him a chocolate. When I returned, he was having it." I stopped for a while and then continued. "You know after that horrible incident of RoWoon getting choked while eating a chocolate, I had always been keeping him away from it, until and unless he literally begs to have one. Moreover, I don't even know who that man was?! What if he had some wrong intentions? I had told him several times not to take anything from any stranger! But this kid!" As I was trying to hide my tears, Jimin promptly pulled me in his embrace.
Jimin: "It's okay Y/N. I know it was a tough time for you. I am sorry, for not being there, when you needed me the most. But trust me, nothing will happen to our RoWoon. I promise." He kept caressing my head. "I am here now. Shall we go back?" I nodded, while he placed a comforting peck on my head.
We stood up, and Jimin called RoWoon. As he came running towards us, Jimin picked him up swiftly and said, "Let's get going kiddo! We need to open your helicopter and make it fly right?", to which RoWoon nodded his head in excitement.
"And we will also tell Eomma to make some delicious Pizzas for us, okay?" Jimin said while chuckling at me. I rolled my eyes playfully and retorted back, "Eomma will think about it." And with that, finally we headed back to our home.


It was literally pouring outside. I was preparing the dinner, and Jimin was helping RoWoon with his homework in the living room, when I heard the door-bell ringing. "Visitor in such a weather?" As I thought to myself, Jimin called me.
Jimin: "Y/N! Will you answer the door please?"
"Okay. Just give me a second." I quickly took off my apron, and headed towards the door. As I opened it, I saw a man, standing there, all wet because of the rain, his hair sticking on his forehead. He had a mask on, and was holding onto a beautiful bouquet. I wasn't able to make out his face properly, as it was mostly covered with the mask and his long, black hair. Moreover, his face was casted downwards, and as it was dark outside (because of the heavy down-pour there was a power-cut, and hence the streets were pitch dark), it didn't help either.
The man on the other hand, before uttering a single word, gently bowed, and held out the bouquet. I was a bit taken aback with his sudden gesture, therefore I asked, "I am sorry Sir?! But before accepting this bouquet, can I get to know your identity? And what these flowers are for?" And that’s when he looked up, and while removing his mask, he said, "I came here to congratulate you." It was at that very moment, a heavy lightning struck the locality, as well as struck my heart and mind too; the moment I heard his voice and he revealed his face, I froze in my place.
"Who is it Y/N?" Jimin shouted from the living room. And hearing him calling out to me, only two words escaped my mouth in a low questionable murmur, audible enough for me and the apparent ‘stranger’ in-front of me...


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