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"You should have woken up early, you lazy bum!" I scoffed at her while fixing my shirt, as Y/N kept running all over the house in search of her heels.
Y/N (yelling from the other room): "Why didn't YOU wake me up then? Oh wait! How could you have done that when your lazy ass was busy snoring too! And where the hell did you keep my shoes? I can't find them. Did you throw them away or what?!"
Jungkook rolled his eyes irritatingly, while fixing his hair with some hair gel. "No. I gobbled your shoes up with Ramen, as they seemed way too tasty to me. And how would I know that your irresponsible ass won't set an alarm?!"
[Hello there, readers!
I am Jeon Jungkook, as you all already know.
Yes, I am talking with you all only, as I know you guys must be wondering what happened between me and Y/N in this time span of ten months, right? Well, it took me ten long months of hard work to finally make her accept me, regain her trust on me, and give our friendship and "us" a second chance. Though neither of us have officially proposed each other, but I will do that soon. I am just waiting for the perfect, magical moment. Currently, our relationship is situated more in the friendship zone, but soon we will roll over to the lovers’ zone, and then to the marriage part as well. I am just taking things a bit slow, as you all know she has already gone through a lot, so I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable or pressurized by forcing her into anything. And moreover, she is already with me now, by my side. So, I will eventually win her back entirely for sure. Actually, most of it is already done, just a few more steps left.
Also, you all must be thinking, what is she doing here in my apartment, right? Well, after having a great lunch together at my Diner, we were supposed to head back to Y/N's place and get things ready for the party that is going to take place in the evening; the occasion being a success party for Jimin's achievement of becoming the Senior Manager at Jung Enterprise & Ltd. But as our lazy asses were restraining us from driving all the way back to Y/N's home, so the four us (Y/N, Jimin, RoWoon and I) decided to take a quick cat nap in my apartment, that’s within walking distance from my Diner. But unfortunately, the quick cat nap turned out into a deep slumber, turning us all into winter-bears. Jimin was the first one to wake up, and the one to break all our beauty sleeps. He and RoWoon headed back first, as I wanted to take a quick shower and needed to get dressed up for the occasion too, and as Y/N was pretty much dressed up, and needed a bit of touch up, that's why she decided to complete her business at my place only.
Now that you all are already accustomed with the present scenario, lets head back to the story.]
As she came back to the room where I was in, her shoes dangling from her hand, she gave me a stern look and went in-front of the mirror, and pulled out some cosmetics from her bag to finish up with her final bit of touch-up.
"I wonder what else is there inside that bag of hers! It’s said that girls usually carry the world inside their bags. I wonder, whether it’s true or not! What might there be?! Next Mission: ‘Secretly having a peek inside Y/N's mysterious bag!’ That will be fun! I will include Jimin-aah in this plan as well! Moreover, I can even upload a video on YouTube naming it as - What's Inside My Girlfriend's/Wife's Bag." As I was busy creating my next mission's plan in my head, I got distracted as I heard Y/N calling out to me.
Y/N: "Mr. Jeon, if you are done with your serious yet loitering thoughts, may I get a bit of your attention please, so that you can check out whether I am at least looking 'okay-ish' or not?"
And that’s when for the first time in the entire day, I was able to properly lay my eyes on her, and take my time and adore her for as long as I wanted. The floral, sleeveless dress, was perfectly fitting her curves till her waist, and then it was a bit flowy, ending a few inches above her knees, exposing her beautiful legs. Though the back side of the dress had a deep cut, but it was nonetheless sophisticatedly balanced with a sweetheart neckline, making the dress look quite sensuous yet elegant on her. Hair tied up into a messy yet cute little side-bun, and with a touch of mascara, and a pinkish glossy tint on her plump lips, she completed her look, making her look exactly the way she had looked on the Prom Night, beautiful and sensuous…
Clearing her throat, as she brought me back to reality, I saw her looking at me through the mirror, her gaze fixed with that of mine, her cheeks a bit flustered, because of my intense gaze on her.
Y/N: "Say something..."

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