"We messed up-", she add softly and he chuckled. Anastasia raised a brow and smiled while watching him laugh. "What's funny?". Reece shook his head - "you actually think I give a fuck about her?". Anastasia shrugged her shoulders. "She could get us in trouble-", she mumbled.

"I'll be waiting for trouble to knock on my door-", he gently held her hand , "come here ". At first she was confused but obeyed his command and climbed over the gears onto his lap. Knees on either side of him and hands on his shoulders.

"Nothing else matters when we're together -", he stroked her cheek. "I don't want you to lose your job -", she whispered.

"And I don't want to lose you-", he countered.

Anastasia stared into his sparkling aqua eyes. He was sculptured to be so perfectly perfect. The word 'perfect ' doesn't even come close to how magnificent this man was in every way.

22 : 03 pm

He tripped over a pair of boots thrown in the hallway. "Quiet", she snickered as he grumbled. "We could have used the window-", he whispered , watching her close her room door very silently.

"How would we ? It's locked from the inside, silly", she giggled, pacing to her study desk. "This is cute-", he looked around while removing his coat. "It's small but I guess it's okay for now-", she sighed and removed her jewelry and heels.

"When you leave, you can use the window ", she smiled. "Funny -", he smirked , sitting at the edge of the bed. "You're eager to try it -", she covered her mouth and laughed. Her parents were asleep and waking them up would end in chaos and more drama. She was tired of that lifestyle. So keeping hers private was priority.

"Come lay with me -", she laid down , patting the space beside her. Reece removed his shoes before crawling up and laying next to her. "I hope you had fun tonight-", he reached out , stroking her cheek. "I did. The food was delicious-", her eyes fluttering. "I'm sorry about Ms Brown. She can be quite intrusive-", he rolled his eyes. "I never would have guessed she'd be that type of person", she trailed off.

"Is that yours ?", he sat when his eyes caught the camera on her study desk. "Oh yes. Papa gifted that to me. Never really used it-", she watched him get off the bed to retrieve it. "Canon powershot G7 X Mark ııı", he admired the camera. "You sound interested", she sat , hugging her knees. "This is expensive and totally worth it. I've got an upgraded model", he climbed onto the bed , sitting on his knees. "You into photography?", she smiled as he brought it up to eye level and snapping a picture of her.

"Yeah I am -", he smiled. "I'm not camera worthy ", she giggled. "Are you fucking crazy? You're insanely gorgeous ", he snapped another. "May I take of you?", she reached out to grab it but he held it above his head. "Reece-", she whined. "I'm not photogenic ", he tapped her nose with his index. "You're gorgeous-", she rolled her eyes , watching him lay on his back. "Come here -", he called.

Anastasia climbed over him , straddling his torso , hands flat on his chest. "Smile-", he clicked another but she yanked it out of his hand. "Your turn -", she brought it up to her eye , watching him fold his hands underneath his head. A smirk gracing his face. He was so mesmerizing. Lowering the camera, she continued to stare at him.

"What? Is something wrong?", he placed a hand on her thigh. "No- I just don't think a mere photo will capture your beauty ", she whispered honestly. Reece gave his unique boxy smile . "Cute-", he whispered.
She placed down the camera. Her hands skimming up and down his rising and falling chest. "What's wrong?", he asked. "I don't know -", she pout.

He loved the way her cheeks would light up whenever she was nervous.

"You can tell me ,baby", his hand gently stroking her thigh. "It's hard to explain " , she chuckled awkwardly. "Try-", he whispered.

Her eyes lower to her hands which purposely travel to the hem of his t-shirt, hiking it up just a little so she'd be able to touch his toned stomach. "Can - we " , she swallowed her words , feeling completely shy. "Can we what?" , his thumbs brushing back and forth across her creamy thighs. The silence was choking. She knew exactly what she wanted but asking for it , was a difficult task.

"Baby-" , he reached for the back of her neck, pulling her closer until her face hovered his. "What is it?", he nudged her nose with his . "Can we remove the barriers between us?", she shut her eyes as she asked. Reece raised a brow , "barriers?", he questioned, despite knowing what she meant. He enjoyed teasing her. "Our clothes -", she was so innocent. "Why?", he smirked. "I - just want to feel your warmth ", she smiled.

He hummed - "Sure baby".

Anastasia was quick to get onto her feet while Reece sat , dragging his shirt off and tossing it aside. Her eyes traveling down his perfect torso while he unbuttoned his pants. "Aren't you stripping?" , he questioned, shuffling out of his pants. "Yes-", she whispered, dropping her skirt around her ankles. His eyes shift to her as she removed her top.

A smile creeping on his face. She was so beautiful. Untouched and pure. He adored that about her.

"What are you doing -", he choked. Her fingers hooked in her lace panties. "I said no barriers-" , both their cheeks flustered. "Naked?", his chest heaving much more than hers. "Yes", she smiled, dropping her panties and undoing her bra. Reece cleared his throat, laying down and lifting his waist to remove his underwear too.

Anastasia tried hard not to look at his erect cock but she couldn't help herself. He looked like a Greek god laying naked on her sheets. Perfect body and massive dick resting over his toned stomach. Shutting her eyes and inhaling sharply. She climbed back onto him , leaning forward, resting her face in the crook of his neck. Reece ran his fingertips down her spine, staring up at the ceiling while feeling her breathe against him. She was warm and cozy. "Does this feel nice?", he whispered, earning a nod. "Warmth -", he spoke softly , never wanting this feeling to end. He could lay like this day and night with her .

"Warmth -", she lift herself to stare down at his beautiful face. Nails pressed into his shoulders as she balanced herself. She looked ethereal. Hair hanging around her face. Eyes droopy. Lips glossy and parted. His gaze lowered to her exposed breasts. "What?" , she noticed. "Nothing -" , he breathed.

About to giggle , Anastasia shift to get comfortable but accidentally brushed her clit against his cock , causing them both to moan involuntarily. "Sorry-", her chest heaving. "It's okay-" , he stroked her crimson cheek. Her eyes lock with his for a second before she leans in and kisses him. Reece totally caught off guard smirked before reciprocating. Tongue sliding into her panting mouth as her hips began to move , grinding herself on his hard length. He groped her ass , firmly holding her down on his cock. "Baby-", he hissed . "You're not ready for this-", he whispered. "Please-", she begged , planting open mouth kisses along his jaw.

"Anastasia-" , he bite down on his lip , feeling her pussy leak over his cock. "It doesn't have to be sex -" , her mouth on his neck while he struggled to find the words to stop this. "I just want to feel you-", her tongue flicking against his skin. "Fuck-", he groaned.

"Please-", she lift her head . His eyes meet hers and she smiles at how flustered he was. She had no idea how much she controlled him. She was a drug. He was never sober around her. Always high and addicted to her aura.

"I love you-", he whispered.

Her eyes widen at his confession. Reece stared at her startled face. He had no regret expressing how she made him feel. The man was head over heels. They'd been together for almost a month. Spending every second together. He had become so consumed by her smile , her laugh...her presence. She was important to him. Something he couldn't fuck up.

"You do?", tears pooled In her eyes.

Lately she felt unloved. A lost soul. Reece had saved her from depression and suicidal thoughts. He was her safe place and she was his happiness.

"Yes. I do-", he smiled , rolling them over so he was on top. Anastasia laid there , staring up at him. "I - love you too", she blushed as he smiled brightly. "I told you I'm lovable ", he joked , leaning in and kissing her.

They were inlove.

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