Macaque raised a brow, "You really think that?"

MK looked up at the simian confused, "What?"

"Look, buddy..." Macaque glanced to the side as he felt a strange sense of deja vu from the young simian in front of him, "If you set your standards too high, then you'll only be making an impossible goal to reach."

MK frowned, "Then what am I supposed to do if I wanna be like Monkey King... I-I.. I feel like anytime I do something right or try to help, it's always not enough..."

Macaque stared at the boy for a moment and let out a sigh. He proceeded sit down on the ground crisscrossed with his staff leaning against his shoulder in a resting position.

MK watched in silence for a hot take before Macaque peered one eye up at him with a blank glance, "Sit."

"R-Right..!" MK sat down in front of the monkey immediately, stumbling over himself and placing the staff in rest.

"I wasn't always this powerful being or strong and honorable warrior that you or Jinhua sees now." Macaque started. His eyes trailing over his red scarf that wrapped comfortably around his neck, "I don't remember how exactly I was born, but the first things I saw or specifically heard, were completely hazardous noises."

Clamping down in an alleyway, the small bundle of white fur could be seen from under the small rags that wrapped loosely around his figure.

His chubby cheeks poked out in a small pout of whining as the noises never seized. His eyes screwed shut, his small paws clamped over his newly figured ears.

"Please... Just make it stop..."

Though the noises or the heavens couldn't answer his calls for help or pleads for aid in his most dire situation.

It seems that only a mortal could.


Blinking his round golden eyes of tears, the small simian glanced through his fingers to see a man in traveling samurai armor peer down at him in worry.

"You okay there, kid?"

Getting a better look at his distraction, the simian was in awe at the sight of the man's long silky golden locks that were hanging loosely over his shoulders. His green eyes that looked as lush as a spring field. And the thing that caught his attention was his relaxing presence. It made him feel like nothing could do him harm.

"Y-yeah... I.. The noise..." He turned his body towards the samurai, his tail curling around his leg unconsciously, "W-who are you...?"

Kneeling down, the samurai began to unwrap his sword and place it on the ground as he showed he was no harm before raising his palm out calmly, "It seems the crowds in this city are taking a toll on you."

Tilting his head, the simian leaned forward and gave the man's palm a small sniff. Before trying to place his own paw on the man's. He immediately noticed a stark difference in size of hands. The His fur covered paw and dark colored claws were like a infant's compared to the mortal's rough and course hand. His nails weren't even sharp but cut back.

Curling his fingers into the man's hand, the small simian looked up to see the man holding a hand over his mouth and looking away in a way that seems like he was restraining himself from doing something.

Taking off his magnificent red cloak, he wrapped it around the small demon child and picked him up in a hurried motion. The sooner they were out of the noisy city, the faster this child can learn of peace and quiet.

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