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Hey I'm Claire and this is how I met my wives and started our now family, but first i should say this is hard for some people to read, so if you can't handle villance,death and lots of sex then don't read. Now let's begin from where I met them the first time.

It was my 8th grade year and I was openly out to all but 2 of my teachers since they were homophobic. I was in the jr ledge weight lifting team. I was always in 2nd place to the team captain Jake who hated me for making his girlfriend like me over him.

I had to drop out of the team for personal reasons, but I'm always still in the gym and working out. It was June now and school was finally out. I was able to go out with my only friend Mike who brought me to this huge party.

As we walked through the party a lot of the kids from school were there also. I found my way to where the drinks were and only went for the Corona since I knew how that tasted. Once I found a spot to sit Mike sat next to me and told me someone was looking for me.

I was confused and he pointed to 2 girls. One with dark brunette hair and the other was blond. I stood up and went to where they were. I asked them who they were since I've never seen them before.

They told me they saw me at a Tournament and wanted to see me up close. I said hi and was about to leave, but the blond one held onto my bicep and gave it a firm squeeze. I felt uncomfortable and the dark brunette saw and told the blond to stop.

Once they saw my reaction the blond one apologized and gave me their name. Reanna and Kristinea. I said I don't play for the team anymore for my personal reason and they just nodded. I took this moment and try to leave again, but this time Reanna asked if she could talk more with me.

I just nodded my head and said let go outside where I can hear you better then. She nodded her head and the blond followed suit. Once outside I saw a bench and sat on it. The girls came on either side of me and again tried their best to make me feel comfortable, but failed.

"Um you wanted to ask me something" I said looking at Reanna. She nodded her head and pointed out the blonde doing so. "We were wondering if you would like to join us sometime and see more of each other" she said which shocked me

"Well if you want to know me best, um, well. The reason why I left the team also is that I was getting bullied more for not just being out as a Lesbain, but I am autistic too". Kristinea took the Opportunity to pitch in and say

"Well that makes this situation easier on us since we wanted to try to date you at the same time. And it doesn't matter about the other thing. Also, everything we are saying is real and not BS so here is our number one you are ready to talk ok".

I just nodded my head after they gave me their numbers and just left me to think. Lets just just 3 days of thinking took it. I called them up and asked if we could meet up at the local mall which they expected very fast.

Once I was there I told them I was at the food court and waiting by the pizza place. I was super hungry since I didn't eat before leaving so I got something to eat. They got in 10 minutes after me to get my meal.

I told them to get some food also since I don't want them to just watch me eat which is weird for me. "So how would this work me dating you both?" It took some time for them to answer since they were surprised I said it out loud in public.

"Well we would both love you in an equal manner as we both love each other already. The only difference now is that you would love us back the same. 3 way equality" Kristiane said. "You can definitely take your time deciding on if this is what you want.

We will not pressure you into doing anything that you don't want" Reanna said. I just nodded my head and saw all of us done. I got up and took all of our tash and to come back telling them to come with me.

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