Artist best friend

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Hi this will come as a shock to people who don't know about my best friend October truth

but we have been best friends for life since the 1st grade for me and 2nd grade for her

the only reason why most people don't know about me is because I wanted October to only focus on her Currier as being a model/song writer/dancer/actor

she is a very busy person

her manger Jay finally found out about me the hard way when October wanted me to pick her up at the airport with my family, but Jay threw me on the ground breaking my arm

October gave jay only one warning to never harm her best friend ever again before she picked me up bridal style

I was 10 when that happen

now I'm 16 in my junior year of high school missing my best friend

we call and test whenever we can, yet it hurt when she is so busy now more then ever

well, today i was in the lunch room of my school doing homework when i popped my head up to see every kid starring at me

i was getting worried until a pair of soft hand land over my eyes

"guess who" the voice i knew so well

"oh my god this can't be happening" I say removing her hand and turning around to see October right in front of me

"sorry for not responding to your last message I got your parents to not tell you I'm coming" I was so in shock that I just got up and hugged her while she was talking

she spines are around like she always does when we see each other in person

once I was back on the ground I got my stuff and we just left

October needed to head to the office so I went with her since i have a free period

as we walked everyone in the hall ways were staring at her

I knew that would happen, but I'm her best friend so she protects me from all this, but now everyone can see

once school was out for the day we headed to my place since I got word from my parents they were taking in October while she was in town which I was excited about

"well it looks like girls sleep overs will until you have to go back to where your agent takes you" I say jumping onto my bed

I told her that this will be my last year at being a teenager and with my best friend who is security my girlfriend

I know that you said when you are also done with school that we can be more exclusive and have PDA moments

until then" she joins me in bed looking me up and down with lust full eyes

"I want you to make love to me" October says before I just nod and give my whole body to her control

{ oh I forgot to mention we are security dating that is another reason for her to protect me so much from the spotlight ]

3 months later

being at school the whole school is not allowed to tweet,Instagram, text or tic-tok about my 'friendship' with October until she has graduated

that alone got more gossip around the school which is so childish for people wanting to know something that is none of their business

as I was walking to my next class I was pulled into the janitors closet to be in so much darkness until the light came on

"fuck you October for scary me like that" I punched her in the shoulder

"sorry if i wanted some alone time with my girlfriend before she goes into her class" she said before she goes into my neck and starts to suck and kiss at it to where my moans comes out

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