distorted child

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2 weeks after my birth I was adopted into this loving family who already had children

their youngest daughter just 2 years older then me became the most important person in my life

her name is June

oh my name is Lacy

that was the name on my birth certificate

my birth mother's name was on the the card, but not the father

once I grew up a bit more I went into the same boarding school like the other siblings do

but I had it hard since I was bullied for the dumbest thing

looking different from the rest of my family

I knew I was adopted into the family when I was born

some people are just dumb and want attention

but that got me hurt in the end

at the age of 10 I was out in the play yard when one of the bullies decided to beat the shit out of me and also broke my legs

when they realized what they did, it was too late the damage was done

I was in the nurse office where June found me 

she stayed with me when the ambulance came 

she even was with me through that moment as well

when we arrived at the hospital the rest of the family was there 

I was in surgery for re-fixing my spin and legs

after surgery the doctor  said to my family I would never walk again

once I woke up and learned about this I gave them a reassuring smile

June through all of this was with me after I came out of surgery

the only time she had to leave was when she had to be in school, but stay with me through the night since I started having nightmares that her comfort brought

I told my parents that from here on out I'm doing online school and once I'm finished with school I'll be working for the company

After they agreed I was in the recovery room for 6 months and the cast covered my legs to my hips

moving me was not a potion

the kids who did this to me are no longer attending the school with community service for 4 years since they can't go to jail

during this whole time I decided to do online school and stick with that

my parents respected my destitution and I was transferred onto K-12 schooling

by 16 I was so high up in my learning I graduated so early

and I was no longer in a cast plus I started working for my parents company that really needed tech help

I was permanently confined to a wheel chair but the fun part is I can go fast

my friend clay who works with me at the company attached leg extenders to hold someone up behind me while going down anything

he was the first to test it out and it was so much fun

we got in trouble for making too much nose going down the hall way

but that friendship changed when his friends that got fired from their job at the company broke in and came after me

the only way I was able to escape was the training that my brother Rain gave me

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