Things happen for a reason

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My name is carter wickham & I've been in love with the queen of my heart Olivia maddison Jackson since the 3rd grade

It was high school when Olivia broke up with her boyfriend during soccer practice close to the high school prom dance

I was there when they broke up

He stared to hit Olivia & that is when I stepped in & dared him to hit me instead of her which he did

Big mistake since I know a lot of fighting tactics

I fought him only to tell him to him hit a woman ever

When his douche friends came to his aid

Olivia came up to me asking why I helped her

Before i could say anything 1 of his douche friends said "Olivia is a slutty bitch & she deserved it"

I told Olivia to get the coach

When she left I mocked them until they fought me

I just needed to buy time for the coach to see what they're doing

It wasn't long until her ex boyfriend threw a punch at me in my face

The coach saw it & got very mad

He said they couldn't play this weekend

They're faces said it all with a pail look

I had to smirk when the coach left

I went to the nurse office for ice since that punch really did hurt

Olivia came in to ask me the same question she had before

I said " No Goddess, Queen or Bad ass should ever get hit by anyone

No man should ever hit a woman"

With that I left with the ice still on my face not before she gave me hug which caught me off guard

It was the end of the school day when my friend Jed asked me to help with decorations in the gym for prom

He forced me to go

While helping I became a latter walked which means I can walk around on a latter without getting down every time

Which in my zone Olivia came into the gym she looked so beautiful that I forgot what I was doing

She walked up to the latter I was on & asked if we could talk in private

I asked Jed to take my job for a bit which he did

I walked out of the gym with her

"After what happened on the field with him

I broke up with him since you're the 1 who saved my life

May I ask you to be my date to the prom?"

I didn't hesitate to say yes

She smiled at me before he gave me a kiss on the cheek

I blushed so hard

She saw it all over my face which made her smile more before leaving me there like an smiling idiot

The next day at 1st period my teacher got a note telling me to go to the principal's office

Which was weird since I didn't do anything wrong

When i got there a black suited man with sun glass told me to sit down

When I did he explained to me the reason by showing me a video on why I was in the office

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