You and me both [ Hosie ]

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[ so I love some of the story lines that other fans love about the show's legacies. But after it finished lots of fans from what I could tell were pissed that the one relationship that needed to be shown, yet the people who ran the show never allowed it to happen. Thanks to the fans, that relationship lives on in wattpad. Even during the show we all made sure to allow the one relationship to happen. Now here is my 3rd storyline of Hosie I hope you enjoy]

Back story- this is after hope gets her humanity back. Josie was able to help the Mikaelson family out in getting Hope back to herself again. Josie needed a break from the drama of the school and wrote to both Lizzie and Hope letting them know she will be finishing her studies in London.

Hope prov-

After getting my humanity back all I wanted to do was thank Josie, but Lizzie said she left for London and will be there until her studies are done. Hope understood and wrote a letter to Josie

Dear Josie,

I wanted to say thank you for bringing me back. Lizzie gave me the letter about what you planned on doing. I'm back at the school now helping out with self defense classes that your mom who is not the headmistress ask me to do. I even go on scouting missions to find new supernaturals. I get that you don't want the drama from the school, so I'll just say this once and for all. Given that I wasn't fully myself I didn't say what really happened to my humanity that day when I killed landon. After killing him the emotions from remembering how my mom, my uncle and dad died was way too much. He was not the reason my humanity was shut off. I was given at such a young age so much burden to make not just my family, but your father be proud of me. Dc Saltzman never did and always walked on eggshells waiting for me to fail. So much weight was put on me and the only thing that helped even after my parents died was you. After you told me you had a crush on me, my heart was so happy, yet I remember you saying the word 'had' which made me feel sad since I still after all these years I finally have the guts to tell you I have never let go of my feelings for you. Sadly I was dating Landon, but my heart was always spelt to want you as well. That was my mistake. I wish when he did come back to choose either of us I wish I said no and ran to us. That will always be my mistake in my life and I will live with that until the day I turn to ash. I hope one day I get to see you again and be happy.

Yours always and forever, Hope

After sending it I went to do my teaching class.

Josie prov-

After moving to London to finish my studies I got to see Jade for a little bit, she was only in London to help out a friend and then left to paris. 2 months into being here I got a letter from Hope. I didn't want to read it, yet my heart really wanted to know how she was doing. After reading her letter I cried.

It took 4 years for me to finally return home. Once I got back Lizzie was now the head master and Hope was still the teacher of self defense classes. MG was a teacher also for vampire history. Jed stayed to be Wolf history teacher. Finch left the school to follow her own dreams.

My mom still works at the school but works with the younger children. Before I went into the office, arms came around me. I turned around to find it was Pedro. I smiled to see a student who I helped here. "Hey Pedro wow you have grown up a lot" I said pulling away from the hug.

"Well, that does happen ms Josie" Pedro said. "Oh that makes me older now" I laugh at that. "Ms Lizzie is not in the office, she is helping Hope on a mission; they will be back in a few hours. You can wait in the office until they show back up" he said, which shocked me a bit.

After sitting on the coach in the office I took a little nap since it was a long trip back. After some time I heard laughing coming to the door so I stood up.

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