Broken minds of war

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My name is R.J & for 20 years the living have been fighting the dead.

I was born into the war.

My sisters raised me to fight & survive this new world we live in & I mentally didn't

I 1st killed 1 of the dead at 16, after that I just tried to live for my sisters.

Bre, Joy, Dania, Elle & Sam all left me to defend myself at home to fight the was of the dead

I wasn't old enough to fight now I am

I joined the fight at 18, after 2 months of training I was put into my 1st battle with 2,00 living vs 50,000 dead

In the end 25 living & half dead moving still

We were called the lucky 25, but didn't last long

After the battle us 25 stayed together & were brought into many conferences.

1 conference allowed me to see my sister Bre who I last saw when I was 10

Bre is now a commander of a zone where we used to live

Bre explained Joy& Dania working with her also

I knew where Elle & Sam were; they're in Canada

I wrote to them as soon a I joined

I've only been a soldier for 5 months, but I feel like I've been 1 since I was 10

Us lucky 25 were sent into another battle, it was unknown off grid where a lot of dead were & the 25 became 5 in under 2 hours

The Battle was a success, but with a lot of loss

I was never the same after that

Us 5 went into cushion cells so that we didn't hurt ourselves, but our minds were gone

My sisters came by once a while to see me,  but all I could hear was the screams of my friends as they die right in front of my eyes

After 8 years my mind did come back, but the voices stayed

I never felt whole again

I never went back into battle

I was given a place where my sisters made home [ back where we used to live]

I survived the impossible twice & I'm grateful to say I didn't do it alone.

After I stopped fighting, the voices in my head slowly stopped at well

I even stopped fighting my sisters who've been worried so much for me

8 years of work on myself to get approval to leave the zone i was in to for 1 of the dead to kill me

After trying for so long it never seem to work

I felt like they knew I was dead inside while the living though I was fine enough

I just wish 1 of them would bit me & it never happens

1 day I got so angry with the world & went out of the Zone when my sister Joy saw me me leave

We fought & I left with the last word

I really don't remember or else I would say it

I went on a trail to find some dead in a house

I decided to go in

I didn't expect to see a living person in there

I asked quietly if she was OK & told her to leave so i could kill the dead

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