camping trip

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[ok this will be a little different since I worte during I was sick. My eyes were playing some funky tricks on me while I was sick, so if you can understand any of it then have fun reading]

"Mommy can u tell me the story on how u met momma?"

Oh gosh this is the story I never want to tell them

"Y-y-your momma w-w-will be mad if I s-s-say anything" I say trying to not talk about it

Soon my wife comes into the room with our little baby in her arms

"Baby it's ok the pain has long pass it all good" she says

"Ok if you t-t-think so" I show a nervous smile before sitting down next to our child Helen

"Ok this story s-s-starts starts in the summer before my sophomore year in high school"

[pointers I only will be telling the none horrifying parts to my child while you all will be hears the horrifying parts]

10 years ago

I was in my room making sure everything is in there right place

[show a pic of a very clean room]

My father texted me saying I need to be ready in 5 minutes or he will come in my room to make sure I'm ready to leave for a trip I'm not wanting to go on

My father is 1 of the teachers at my school that is also going on this trip

Did I not mention that this is a summer field trip with half the school

I already packed since I like to be ready for anything

When I got to the car my dad was reading his book he said he was gonna ready all summer

My dad knows about me & people so this was his way of still having me outside

It was a 5 hours drive to the camp ground where we were early which is his way

[I think that is where I get my OCD & porefectist from]

The busses arrived 3 hours later when my & dad got everything ready for the students

"Ok now that everyone is here you all got your schedule for the summer & on the will show you your roommate & cabine" mx.hreathold said to the students through the mega phone

My father gave me my form that everyone else has to

I got to my cabe which I share with Nico [ my future wife to be]

"U-u-um do-do-do w-what the r-right bed or the left" I say when Nico comes into the cabine

"Left thanks" she says putting her stuff down on the bed going through them

I don't touch my stuff since I don't want to

[3 days into being there]

I was in my room counting everything [besides Nico's stuff]

When I was counting 1 of Nico's friends came in

"What the fuck are you doing" they say in there irish acsent

"N-n-nothing j-j-just making sure the room was clean I-I-I d-d-" I was cut off by them slapping me in the face for no reason which made me cry

"You pathetic waste of air I said what the fuck are you do-" but before they could finish nico came in seeing me cry & she looked at her friend in a nagery tone

"What the fuck did you say to her" Nico said coming to me but I was scard since I didn't know what to do so I climbed into my bed & curld up into a ball rocking myself in the corner so they wouldn't hurt me

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