unexpected family

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Hello there, my name is Felcion. The reason why I was named that is because of my wings on my back. I'm the middle child however, with 9 children. The reason for the big family is our parents Lola who is intersex, Meggian who gave birth to 8 of us & Able my Ma who is also intersex 7 gave birth to our youngest single Summer.

Our names & age are this. Hazal the oldest, the twins Jupiter & Vik, Giya, Raven, Me [felcion], Blaik, Lilly & summer. All of us have our own ability from our mothers. What we didn't account for was we are the only family who lived past the age of 10 after a terrible tragedy in our town 15 years ago.

[back story]

Lola,Maggian & Able met 15 years ago in a tragic chemical accident where they met at a party, got drugged and thrown into a pit with a few other girls, but they lived alone. They stayed in thought until their friendship turned into romantic love. After they expressed their love they moved really fast to the next level.

After taking the next step Maggian gave birth to Hazel, their first child who they learned had powers. That was the beginning of what they learned of how they survived 11 months ago.

[present day]

Today was the first time in 10 years that the older children in the family were able to go to public school, but not just any? The one that grainted their mothers their own gift. All the children never imagined going to a school.

"Ma why do we have to go to public school?" Raven asked which made me nod my head looking at the school through the car window. "Look kids, we were instructed to bring you oldest to the school to start your training for the state program that your grandfather asked for you to be in" Ma said which made all of us remember what he said to us last time he came into town. "I want all my grandchildren to attend this school. Since all of them were given powers by that stupide powerplant that should've been destroyed back in 1937 well now we'll deal with the consequences now" he said which scared the crap out of us kids.

Once we got into the school we were all in the same classes which helped up a whole tone. What we didn't expect was our uncle Zeno who all of us hated for what he did to our moms.

[7 months before Hazel was born]

Uncle Zeno came into the new home that our moms were working on to make sure it could fill all the children they wanted. When Zeno walked in however, he was confronted with Maggien who at any given moment since Hazel was being stubborn to stay any longer knew something was gonna happen.

Maggien saw Zeno and he was not happy to see her in the state she was in. SInce no one knew who the child was, Zeno wasn't hazel dead since she was [ or still is] a dress in his eye. Well Maggien didn't notice what he was about to do but Hazel took control and used her powers to make him stick to the selling which shocked Maggien. "Hazel put your uncle down now" she demanded of her unborn child, but no such luck. Soon Maggien saw the knife and understood what was happening.

Her pregnancy was driving her crazy not understanding a lot of information that she was given. She called her wives about what was happening and they came asap. When Lola and Able came storming into the house with the look in their eyes. All you could understand was uncle Zeno was no longer able to see us.

[present day]

Onces class started, we were given a packet that showed what we're learning for the whole year. Since the work was 90% physical training I wouldn't be surprised if the other 10% will be hypnotized from how our community hates us and wants us to work for them. Little did they know we trained our whole lives against hypnotism. Even though we're young we are not fools.

The first semester alone was a load of shit he gave each of us to do. When I say loads of shit I mean paperwork that he had to do, but gave us. We didn't use our powers unless it was doing a drill run which he made us do at night so we could do counting work before the crack of dawn. We explained to our moms about what was happening. What we didn't understand was they had an agenda as to why we were given the tasks that were handed to us.

It took until the middle of the next semester to know the reason for all the sercenly. It turns out after summer was born our moms had to start keeping more secrets since summer could read peoples minds and our moms had to learn to think differently around her. When summer got old and more in control of her gift, she understood bounders and made them with all of us, but our uncle Zeno. he had so many that our mothers didn't know about, so for everyone's protection until uncle Zeno was out of our lives again; Summer had to learn to her gifts. That alone was hard & our moms were helping through the whole thing without us knowing it. Since summer has to deal with our thoughts on everyday daisies; she can isolate who is who, but since she had to know what uncle Zeno had planned for us our moms were doing everything in their power to keep us safe and to make sure Zeno never knew anything about summer's power. The only people that know are in the family circle. Able has been teaching Summer to manage the thoughts in her head through meditation. Lola is a 5th generation witch and cleanses her room everyday so that Zeno can't come in or he will have his brain melt from the inside out. We know how it is since someone tried to rob us once and saw the aftermath of the spell. Let's say us kids had nightmares for a few weeks. Maggian is a trained therapist so we go to her for advice and long hours of just talking.

Note: we talk to our mothers everyday and not just go to them for their wisdom and knowledge. Their our mothers and we just want child to mother time 'from time to time'

After learning the truth about Zeno and his plan which is to blackmail the whole family into becoming government property and never allowing them to see each other again. Our mothers had a mouth full to say to Zeno and to the government for what they were going to deal with. "Never mess with the mother and her cubs or else". Lola may seem like a lovey dovey person, but in reality she is a class a bitch if you mess with something she loves [ AkA her children]. When I say her face went from sun kiss skin to red tomato in 3 seconds is an understatement. Maggian had to hold her back from not shedding uncle Zeno through the slammer, but that went out the window when the government agreed with what Zeno was doing. Able was not even in the room when it happened since she was taking care of all of us.

The reason we know about this is Summer. She was reading Zeno's mind the whole time without him knowing.

7 years later[I really don't want to talk about the school thing anymore]

After everyone was done with school all 9 children went on to live their lives. The 4 older children started their life and begane their own families. Some may say that the family didn't lose their powers, but some gained more. Hazel became a mother of 3 crazy children who all gained powers of their own. Jupiter could only have 1 bio child and adopted 3 others since she wanted more children with her wife. Vik didn't want to have any kids and decided to travel the world. Giya on the other hand went all MIA on everyone and just was gone.

Further into how the family is doing. Raven is still in college to become a licensed therapist like our mom. I met someone who my mom loves, but they think we got married based on how we talk with each other. We adopted a ferit who was pregnant when we got her and now we have an apartment full of baby ferrets who we call our grandkids. Blaik is still in highschool as well as Lilly and Summer so everyone has been updated. So now that you know how everything is I can't go any further or else my siblings will kill me. So here is the end. I'm sorry for not going further. 

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