Unknowing truth

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for most of my life I've never really cared what others thought about me

not my family, friends, relationships no one

the only thing that brought me any comfort is my wife Jay

[20 years ago I was 5 Jay was 6]

I was starting my first year in a new school 

my mother after my father left us couldn't handle me anymore 

once she found a boarding school that was in her price range with the help of funding from the state, I moved in

"good morning miss cherish, we have been expecting you" an older man said

"yes thank you principle Bekin this is my daughter Ruth, Ruth this is principle Bekin"

I nodded since my mother explained to me not to speak until I was in his office

"well I do know about Ruth's situation & we can work to help her here don't worry Miss" he said as we got to his office

once we were sitting at the office door open to this young girl

"Jay is everything OK?" he said to he getting up form his chair

"um I'll come back later after you're done, I'm sorry" Jay said trying to leave, but her father stopped her

"why don't you introduce yourself to the new girl, Ruth this is my daughter Jay another student at this girl, Jay why don't you show her around"

new people scare me so I hid behind the chair since I knew that my mom wouldn't help me

"can you get out from behind there Ruth this is ridiculous" my mother says

"I don't understand what is happening" Jay says

"honey Ruth here has autism and has trouble with understanding lots of things, but once she gets to understand things better at her pass she is better at opening up" he said which made me giggle a little since my mom never care and his saying that was confusing, but happy to try to know

Jay came behind the chair where I was and took out her hand

I was hesitant at first but took it

she put my hand to her heart & I felt her heart beat

"bum bum bum" I say before I giggle

"you can feel my heart beat well now I'm Jay can you tell me yours?" Jay says

"Ruth, bum bum your heart beats fast" I say as I keep my hand placed there

by this point Jay already took her hand away from my hand but used it to take my other hand brought me out of the office

as she was showing me around I didn't let go of her hand

I have a huge problem with new places , plus she made me feel safe

more then my own family

I think that alone should tell you another reason for me moving into this place. 

looking through the school more was so big I was having a hard problem managing all the new sounds

"I know this is a lot to take in, so I can show you to your room once we get the schedule from my father" Jay said

I just nodded my head and proceeded to his office where my mother was already gone

"wh-what when did she go?" I say the principle

"I'm sorry Ruth, she said she had to leave for work" he said and I tread up

"sir my mother says that to everyone when she drops me off anywhere, this was her way of not coming back. I'm not le-legal the states problem sir"  say as I look out of his office window where I see a blue bird pop on the ledge

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