Chapter 64: Scott POV

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But at that moment I was with Jimmy. We were walking down the path to the apothecary with Gem, Katherine, Sausage, Shrub and Fwhip. I was going to visit Erin, while the others were mainly going to see Joel as he had opted to stay in the apothecary. The journey up and down from the castle was hard for him and he had to constantly have tests done because of his injuries, so he had told Katherine he would rather just stay there. At least that's what I had heard. Lizzie and Lavender were already down in the building.

I kicked a rock as we walked down the path. It was still chilly for July because of my presence, but it wasn't snowing, and the frost melted during the day from the sunlight. It still got on my nerves that it came back at night, but I had passed Giselle's expectations and she agreed to let me stay as long as I kept improving.

Soon the apothecary came into sight, and I looked up from the ground to make sure I didn't run into the wall as we all filed into the building.

Lavender, Joel and Lizzie all looked up at our arrival, but I quickly made my way to Erin's bed, sitting in the chair that I always left for the next time I came. Everyone told me it was no use visiting her. She didn't even know I was there, missing her. But I didn't care. I just wanted to see her.

I sat there for a few minutes in silence while everyone else talked to Joel. I didn't bother speaking with the Mezalean emperor. He was furious with me. He thought I was toying with Jimmy, and so did Lizzie. But in reality, I was distancing myself so that I wouldn't. No matter how much I tried to fix everything, nothing could erase the past. Nothing could erase what I had done, especially to him.

"How's she doing?"

I looked up to see Fwhip standing beside the chair about a foot away, turning from looking at Erin to face me. I was mildly surprised. "Well, Lavender said a few days ago she's been shifting more and more often. I think that's a good thing."

Fwhip nodded, putting his hands in his pockets, and glancing back down at the girl. "Let's just hope she's less...possessed."

I bobbed my head up and down with agreement. "I really, really hope so. I looked in the Elven Library but there was nothing except..."

"Stuff liked we used on Xornoth?" Fwhip finished for me.

I sighed. "Yes. I can't find anything to help her..."

Fwhip pursed his lips.

"I'm sure there's something." Came Gem's voice as she joined us at Erin's bedside. "We haven't searched everywhere yet."

I nodded, my hand going to the crystal around my neck, and I ran my thumb against one of the smooth edges as I chewed on the inside of my cheek.

At that moment though, right before I was about to respond, I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up, and something like chills shot up my spine like electricity that had nothing to do with the cold. I whipped around to look behind me, right as a bright light flashed in the center of the room. I was thrown from my chair, and I screamed in panic as I felt myself hit the wall, back first. Different shouts of confusion were heard throughout the room, and thuds and crashes as other people in the room were thrown from their spots, either into the walls or onto the floor.

Pain shot through my joints as I slid to the ground, and I tried to block the light while at the same time I squinted to try and see what was causing it. I saw a figure, standing in the midst after a moment as the light began to slowly die down.

A few more screams echoed through the room as the fact that a new person was standing in the room became clearer. I could hardly think through the light and the noise, overwhelming my body and sending frost shooting across the ground where my hands touched the floor.

The Majors, Cold Fury (Book 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin