Making my way out of the bedroom and into the living room, I halt - staring at her seated on the couch. She was busy with assignments , I'm guessing. Hair pulled into a bun , she was still in her polka-dot pajamas. Am I dreaming?

"Anastasia ", I mumble and her eyes lift to find mine. She looked sick. Puffy eyes and cheeks. "Reece, you're awake", she put her books aside and got to her feet. "Sit , I made breakfast and strong coffee. Apparently it helps with a hangover ", she went on as I sat on the couch , still rubbing my head. "Unfortunately I have no pain medication ", she added and brought me a plate of pancakes and coffee. "You want to use my toothbrush?", she offered and I just stare at her. "What?", she whispered innocently.

"You talk too much", I stand again. "Where is the bathroom?", I groan and she points to it. "Thanks -", I mutter and leave her alone. Why was I even here ? How the fuck do I not recall last night?

Lifting her little purple toothbrush, I squirt paste on it before slipping it into my mouth. I looked like shit. Ofcourse I remembered asking for a divorce. Everything after that was a blur.


Getting out of the bathroom , she was on the couch. "Are you okay?", I ask before sitting beside her, lifting the mug and gulping the coffee. "Yes", was all she said and continued to write notes. "Why do we both look like shit?", I put down the mug and she chuckled under her breath. "Well?", I ask and she sighs . "You came over drunk and I had to kick my boyfriend out ". I tilt my head , how could she say that so fucking casually? "What?", she whispered. "Are you okay?", I ask again. I was genuinely worried about her. She looked as if she were crying all night.

"I'm fine. Eat those-", she pointed at the pancakes. "I'm not hungry. Did he hit you?", I question, feeling a frown take over. "What? No , he would never ", her eyes wide and voice squeaky. "Fuck-", I grumble , rubbing my head. "You already apologized ", she smirked. "What?", I raise a brow, not believing that bullshit.

"You did. I was impressed ", she giggled. "I do not apologize ", I argue but she continued to laugh. "So cute-", she reached out , playfully fluffing up my tousled hair. Her fingers felt so gentle. The smile on her face made my heart swoon. She was so beautiful.

"Hailey had been calling -", the mention of my wife made my smile fade. I get to my feet , "I should leave ", I search for my car keys and phone. "Are you sure you're okay to drive?", she stood, adjusting her t-shirt. "Yeah , I'm sober ", she walked around to the counter , "your stuff -", she handed me my phone and keys. "Thank you-", I mumble. "Are you sure you're okay?", I ask and she nods. "I'll see you at work", I hated weekends.

"Drive safe -", her smile seemed forced. Did I cause her pain? "Will you be fine?", I reach out , cupping her cheek. "I live alone ", she said as if I was not aware. "I am fine", she smiled again. "Give me a call if you need company", she hesitated but slowly nod. I lean in , kissing her forehead.

This felt perfect.

Where was she lost all my life?

15 : 32 pm

"Where the fuck were you ?".

Couldn't I get any peace? Ryder was so fucking loud and annoying. "I'm a grown man", I throw my attitude. "Fuck that! I was worried about you-", he grabbed my arm , stopping me in the hallway. "Where were you?", he pestered. "A hotel ", I deadpan. "You're fucking with me", he frowned. "I am not -", I yank my hand away.

"You asked for a divorce?", he continued to follow and question. "What the fuck , Ry? Did she come home and cry to you?", I snap. "Yes! What the fuck are you doing?", he grabbed me again but I shove him away. "Stop treating me like a fucking child ", I growl and he just glared. "I thought you didn't even like hailey ", I shrug . "Fuck that, Reece. Why are you asking for a divorce?", he questioned. "Because I don't want to be in this fucking marriage-", I raise my voice .

"If you're doing this for that girl. You will regret it . She's a fucking kid", he barked. "what the fuck Ryder? Why are you bringing her up?". He stepped closer , shaking his head. "I am your brother . I fucking grew up with you. I know how you get when you want something that you can't have", he hissed.

I remain silent. I was in no mood to fucking fight or argue , especially not with Ry. "I need to sleep-", was all I say before heading upstairs to my bedroom. Thank god hailey was not around. Ryder was right , I hated when I couldn't have something that I wanted. But Anastasia was not an object.

I feel lighter with her.

17 : 34 pm
Anastasia's pov:

After a long day of work. I finally submit my overdue assignments. I had called up my father, hours ago. I was not in the mood to call mama.
The knock on my door, made me sigh. I hope it wasn't Reece. I was also in no mood for him. Getting on my feet, I head to the door , pulling it open and gasping. "Anthony?", he pushed past me , entering the apartment and searching the place.

"What are you looking for? Are you okay?", I close the door and hurry behind him. "Where is he?", he yelled. "Where is who?", I question. "Your fucking fuck buddy", he continued to yell. I was more concerned about his bleeding nose and bruised lip.

"Anthony, how did you get hurt?", I ignored his rude behavior. "Do not act surprised! And do not behave as if you give a fuck about me when you sent that asshole to fucking embarrass me at work! ", he was pissed. He threw the mug that sat on the counter onto the floor. I shriek, stepping back and staring at the broken pieces scattered.

"I did not send anyone !", I shout back. He was just upsetting us both. "Don't play innocent. Don't do that-", he punched the counter. "Maybe you should leave and come back when you're not angry", I frown , keeping my distance. "So you can send your boss to hit me again?", he laughed, shaking his head. "How did I not see that you're fucking toxic?", he spat.

My mind was in knots.

Reece hit him?

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