"The guests were praising his hard work", she bragged about him while he just played with his food. Her parents could tell something was off but played along. "So when are you two taking a vacation?" , her mother was always nosy. "When my husband is free from work. He's always busy . So when he's- " ,

"I want a divorce ".

They all turn to look at Reece. Hailey's eyes wide and glistening with tears. Her parents shift their gaze from him to her. "What?", she whispered, praying she misheard. Reece lifts his eyes to meet hers. "I want a divorce ", he repeat with no emotion.

Hailey dropped her fork. Leaning back into her seat and breaking down into tears. "Reece, what is the meaning of all this?", her mother lashed out. Reece stood to his feet. "This is between us", he deadpanned, placing the napkin on the table. "I'll be at home-", he spoke to hailey before leaving.

"Honey-", she comforted her daughter who was shattered. She had tried her best to keep their marriage together.

Reece had married her due to business purposes but they soon fell inlove. Unfortunately he was in and out of it , while she was head over heels for him. She knew he wouldn't cheat but he'd didn't fully commit to their relationship. Hailey was also 100% sure that Anastasia had alot to do with this sudden decision of his.

The pain was enough to last a lifetime. Hopefully it was just a phase.

23 : 34 pm

Reece's pov :

Was I sorry?

Fuck no.

I couldn't stand the sight of her parents. I had married her only because her father joined companies with my parents. When we first met , she was sweet and polite. Things changed after we had got married. She became this human barbie that needed to be worshipped. She must be on heavy drugs to believe I want to be with such a fake bitch.

The road ahead looked hazy. Probably because I'm partially drunk and driving. The rain beat down on my car , sounding like hail against tin. I hated the rain. It made me feel miserable. Going home , meant I would have to deal with joon and answer his unnecessary questions. Hailey would probably also be there.

So I go to the nearest place I felt safe at.

Other cars honked as I got on their way or made a risky turn. I just laughed it off and cussed. Fucking assholes.

Anastasia's pov:

I thought I was dreaming until the knocks on the front door grew louder and louder. Getting out of bed , I slip into my gown before heading to the door. Unlocking it - I pull it open .

"Anthony?", I rub my sleepy eyes , stepping aside to allow him inside. "Hey", he greet and I shut the door. "What are you doing here ? Its almost midnight ", I yawn. "I was at the bar across the street and thought I'd swing by to see you ", he pulled me into an embrace. He reeked of alcohol but some how he was still sober. "I missed you ", he nuzzled his face into my hair. "I miss you too ", I close my eyes , resting on his chest. "You're wet", I whisper. "It's raining -", he chuckled. "Change up and let's sleep", I step out of the hug and yawn again.

We could discuss our relationship in the morning. For now - I just needed sleep. I was glad he came back. The knock on the door made us both turn. Anthony raised a brow as I shrug my shoulders. Strolling to the door , I pull it open .

"Reece?", I breathe.

Okay...I'm in trouble.

"Hey", he smirked , pushing me aside and waltzing into the apartment. He hadn't yet noticed Anthony , who was glaring at us both. I swallow hard , praying he didn't do anything stupid,  like KISS ME!

"Can I sleep here?", he scratched his head , looking like a lost puppy. He was drunk and soaked. Water dripped from his bangs which hung over his eyes. "Why are you here ?", I furrow my brows. Why are these men turning my life upside down!

"No", Anthony answered that question for me. Reece turned to look at him. "Who the fuck are you?", he scoffed , combing a hand through his hair.

"Her boyfriend. Who the fuck are you?", Anthony snarled.

I stand there,  trying to step between them both. I knew Anthony had a temper but I wasn't sure about Reece. "Guys , stop ", I whisper. Reece's eyes bounce to me then back to Anthony.

"Boyfriend?", he raised a brow. That smirk never leaving his face.

"You heard me the first time. Who the fuck are you?", Anthony stepped forward but I spread out my arms to stop him. Reece laughed , cocking his head to the side and humming.

The answer he shot at Anthony was unexpected.

"Her husband ".

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