"Ms Cora really made you shit yourself ", he laughed ,handing me the lighter. "Shut the fuck up", I frown , snatching it from him and lighting up the cigarette. "She's cute", he add , puffing out smoke rings. "She's 21 , don't be pedophile ", I snap. "I'm the pedophile?", he questioned, continuing to chuckle. "You're the one who was gawking ", he pointed out.

"I was not gawking. She just took me by surprise. Besides I don't allow any staff to see my bad habits", I wave the cigarette but he just smirked which continued to piss me off because deep down I knew he was right.

"How long has she been your p.a?", he was such a nosy bastard. "A month ", I blow out the smoke. The sky had turned dark , glimmering with hundreds of stars. It was quite chilly too. "Do you think she's single?" , his question made me glare at him. "What? You're married. I'm single, so I'm ready for anything ", he winked. "Stay away from her", I warn and he just threw his arm around me. "You are like a young boy who's seen the most beautiful girl in high school ", he teased.

Anastasia's pov:

It's been 2 hours since I arrived. Reece hadn't really spoken to me and I was fine with that. Distance between us was good.

"Try it -", Brianna practically forced me to try wine. I just stand there , holding the glass. The fundraiser turned out great. Reece really took work events to the next level. Buffet tables, bar counters , photobooths. All of the money here would be given to orphanages. Such a kind gesture.

Hailey was with guests. I was contemplating on whether or not to go over and greet but when I entered, I'm sure I saw her snob me. Maybe I was hallucinating because she had invited me for supper just the other night. "You are aware you could have worn something fancy?", Brianna joked . I knew I could but Reece made it clear to dress appropriately. Maybe because I was his assistant.

"Isn't Mr Alexanders brother hot?", Brianna bite her lip , pointing at the man standing beside Reece. "That's his brother?", I ask curiously. "Yeah , his older brother. He's totally single", she add , twirling her hair as if that would lure him. When I glance at Reece, he was chatting to a guest while hailey glared at me . Her arm linked around his while he laughed at something the man said. Why was she being so weird?

Did she find out he kissed me?

The heat invaded my cheeks and I turn on my heels , "Where are you going ?", bri grabbed my wrist. "Bathroom. It's urgent", I plead and she released me. I hurry through the crowd , turning down a passage to get to the ladies room.

I'm sure he wouldn't tell her , right? I push open the door and thank God it was empty. Standing over the basin , I pat my cheeks with icy water. I was so rosy at this point. That kiss made me feel uneasy, mainly because he's married.

The door opens and in walked 2 girls from the finance department. Ignoring me , they both head into a stall. Their laughter and chatter echoed off the white walls. They sounded so full of life. At times like this I wished I had a friend to giggle with. Bri was just a work mate.

Anthony hadn't called yet. I missed him.

The door opened again but I continued to wipe up my wet hands. "Here-", his voice filled my ears. I glance up at Reece before lowering my gaze to his handkerchief. "This is the ladies room-", I trail off. The voices of the girls were still loud as they laughed about trying to pee.
"I'm aware", he smiled beautifully. Ocean eyes appearing silver under the florescent lights. "Did you come here to wipe my hands?", that was a dumb question. I wish I could smack myself. He waved the handkerchief and this time I take it and wipe my wet hands. The rosy tint returning to my cheeks. He was looking so dangerously gorgeous in that white suit.

"Where is your -", I am about to ask about hailey when the sound of the toilet flushing made me panic. He was quick to react , grabbing my hand and yanking me into an empty stall, shutting the door behind us. "Reece-", I squeak but his hand covers my mouth. He lifted his other , placing his index on his lips , signaling me to be quiet. The girls outside , continued to chat while others came in too.

"You look pretty ", he whispered, slowly removing his hand. How could I speak when he was so close , pinning me against the ice wall. His cologne was intoxicating.

"Anastasia-", he cupped my face in his warm hands, staring down at me. My heart was racing and I just wanted to get out of this stupid stall. This was wrong. What were we even doing.

"Reece-", I reach up, wrapping my hands around his wrists. "Mr Alexander", I correct myself. He was my boss. "Please don't-", I whisper but he just smiled. He takes my hands, guiding them around his neck as he held my waist , pressing his body against mine.

"You are so fucking tempting ", he breathed against my cheek , sending a wave of shivers through my tense body. "Sir, please don't do this-", I begged again but he simply ignored me.

"Don't you want me?", he whispered.

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