7. Twilight

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The office was completely silent except a pen constantly tapping the wooden table.

The setting sun was the only light, a mix of different orange and red shades shining inside through the floor-to-ceiling windows, giving the whole room a magical appearance as the charcoal-black, shiny and clean couch had lots of colours reflecting off it, the simple and elegant interior gaining a idyllic facade.

Despite that, the atmosphere was tense and if anyone had stepped inside, they would easily tell the person in the office chair was in a gloomy mood.

The tapping suddenly stopped, the sound of a pen dropping heard, a sigh soon after. The man took a deep breath, brushing his fingers through his raven hair. His eyes wandered out the window, gazing over the view from the top floor of the tall company building.

He had struggled to get any work done, mind occupied with uneasy thoughts. Even his employees had taken notice of the change in his behaviour the last two weeks. They would constantly catch him spacing out, dismissing meetings early and burying himself in work, so his desk was piled up with unfinished documents.

The last years, he had tried everything to get his mind off the beauty; relationships, hook ups, but every time, he remembered the smiling face and he couldn't do anything about it. 

Every time had went to a bar and picked up someone random, he always ended up imagining the person was someone else. That it was him. The one he had always wanted. So he stopped.

And now, he had finally met him again and messed up big time. 

As he continued staring out the window - body leaned back as he had now turned the chair to face the big windows completely - his hand moved towards the side of him neck, specifically a certain fading, small and blue mark.

His lips tugged slightly upwards, recalling the astonishing events, however, the smile dropped and he threw his head back, a low, irritated groan emitting from his throat.

He closed his eyes, mind going over the memories of the night, the feeling of his heart slightly clenching, regretting how he had handled it the next morning. He regretted not explaining better. He regretted telling the other he didn't remembered. He regretted acting like he didn't.

The expression on the other's face when he stated he had no clue what had happened the previous night was burned into his brain, heart aching at the reappearing sight.

He cursed at himself under his breath, his hands grabbing his hair in frustration. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He mumbled, standing up in a fast motion, and walking back and fourth in his office.

His actions halted, a knock on the door disturbing his deep and stressful thinking. "Come in." He grumbled crossing his arms as he looked out the window, not bothering to look behind him to see who it was.

"Mr. Jeon. The remaining reports for the day are complete..." A young woman entered the office carrying a small pile of folders. She trailed off at the end, her boss' tensed body telling her he was in a bad mood.

"Would you like me to just place them on your desk?" A deep sigh emitted for Jeongguk before he turned around, eyes tired and gazing at the pile in her hands, more like glaring at it. He grumbled before nodding tiredly.

"Yeah, I'll look through them before I go home." The woman nodded and walked towards the desk, placing the pile on an empty spot, not failing to notice how more and more papers were piling up.

She turned towards her boss, who had once again turned his back to her and faced the city view.

"You know, sir, a lot employees are starting to worry about you. You don't seem to happy these days and some are wondering if what ever is on your mind is disturbing your work.." She decided to voice the concerns her colleagues had told her.

Jeongguk hummed, turning back to face the secretary. "There is nothing to worry about, Ji-yeon. I just have a lot on my mind right now. You can tell the others that I'll do my best to be more present."

The woman, Ji-yeon nodded and smiled. "I'm glad. I'll make sure to pass on the message. Is there anything else you'd like me to do?" The man gave her a small smile and shook his head. "You can go home now. Thank you for your work today."

Ji-yeon bowed and left the room, closing the door after herself, leaving the room silent once again as Jeongguk stared at the view for a few more seconds.

He let out yet another sigh and headed back to his desk, melting down in the chair. His eyes landed on the pile of reports he needed to complete tonight as he tucked up his sleeves, eyes narrowing at the papers like an angry child.

He flipped open the first folder and started reading and writing down things that needed change or improvement before signing it at the bottom of the last page.

The raven haired male repeated the process until he was once again disturbed by a knock. Assuming it was an employee delivering more documents, cursing under his breath before letting the person in with a 'come in'.

He kept working on the paper in front of him as he heard the door open. "What do you-" he looked up only for his words to get stuck in his throat as he gaped at the person.


I know it's short, but I'll post the next chapter soon. I'm just a bit unhappy with it and I don't want to post something that's not enjoyable, so I'll work a bit more on it but I'll get it up this week 💓

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