18. Lunch

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"Good morning!" Taehyung entered the shop on Friday and the whole staff turned towards him, stunned by the sudden glow in the room.

"Sir! What are you doing here?" A young girl approached him, bowing her head slightly as a sign of respect.

"Can't I come here? I'm the owner no?" He let out a giggle and removed his jacket, hanging it on the clothes rack. Another slightly older lady walked towards them with a smile.

"You know that's not what she means, Taehyung. But we told you we can take care of the shop. You are carrying a child after all." The woman hugged him and walked with him into the shop.

"Hardly. I'm only a month pregnant, Mina and there is nothing to do at home, so I might as well come work. I've already been mostly at home for a week and a half and I opened the shop because it was how I wanted to spend my time, after all."

He looked around, smiling at how everything was perfect. He was grateful that he had managed to get such dedicated employees.

"Okay then, but I'll make sure you don't work to hard." The oldest girl, Mina stated and patted his shoulder.

The rest of the morning, Taehyung made sure everything was looking nice before opening the store. Normally, it's more busy in the afternoon as that is when people are done with work and get flowers to bring home, however, there were quite a lot of people early in the day.

"I'll go eat lunch now, Tae. Wanna come?" He stopped cutting the ends of the roses and looked at Mina. He had completely lost track of time and it was already mid day and time for lunch.

"Sure, let me just-" He gasped and looked back down at the flowers. "What? Oh my god! Are you okay?" Mina hurried over to him and held his hand, blood streaming down from one of the fingers.

"I'll find something to bandage it with." Mina stated.

"I-I'm okay. Don't worry. It's just a little cut." He smiled, though it was stinging a lot. "Gosh, You'd think I'd know how to cut flowers after owning a shop for a year." He chuckled, trying to joke about it while Mina grabbed a plaster in the back.

He heard the front door open although they had closed since it was lunch time. "I'm sorry we're clo-" He turned around, words getting stuck in his throat.

His lips tugged upwards as he stood up. "Hey..What are you doing here?" The person approached him, a handsome smile on display, however it quickly dropped when his eyes landed on the bleeding finger Taehyung was holding and trying to stop the bleeding with a paper.

His eyes widened as he walked up to him and held his hand.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Taehyung sat back down on the chair  and watched as the man crouched down. "Jeongguk-"

"Does it hurt?" Jeongguk looked up at him with big and concerned eyes. "It's just a cut-"

"You need to be careful, baby. What were you doing?" The ravenette caressed his hand whilst he tapped the cut with the paper so blood didn't come gushing out.

"I was just cutting flowers, then I got distracted. What are you doing here anyway?" The blond responded, heart beating rapidly in his chest. Jeongguk's actions and not to mention his nicknames - they all had him falling deeper in love with him all the time.

"I came to take you to a late lunch. I haven't seen you face to face this whole week, love. I miss you." His lips formed a cute pout, eyes big like a puppy who missed his owner. Taehyung giggled softly and ruffled his hair.

"hey, I got the plaster-" Mina stopped in her tracks, eyes wide. "Oh..oh! Omg! You must be Jeongguk!" She smiled as Jeongguk stood up and shook her hand. "It's so nice to meet you! Taehyung has talked a lot about you!" Mina being her energetic self stated, making Taehyung blush in embarrassment.

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