8. Confessions

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Taehyung looked up at the tall building, biting his lip and arms pressed against his chest. It had been a week since he took the test at Jimin's house and he had been procrastinating coming here.

He had bought more tests, but all of them showed the same result.

The sun was setting, a charade of different colours beaming over the city. He had made it his mission to go today, yet he had waiting until the afternoon, dreading what he was about to do.

Was he really going to do this?

He could just do it alone. He had Jimin.

No. Jeongguk deserved to know.

And it will be fine if he doesn't want to be a part of it.

Taehyung would accept whatever happened. Even if it broke his heart.

He took a deep breath and entered the building.

His eyes grew wide at how big and fancy the interior was. He felt kind of sad, seeing how the other had made so well of himself and he hadn't been there to support him.

He walked up to the what he guessed was the reception, hands fidgeting with the brim of his jacket. The lady sitting on the other side of the counter looked up at him and smiled.

"Hello. How may I help you?"

"Um...could I to speak with Mr. Jeon?" His voice was small. He could tell. He was a nervous wreck anyway. The woman raised an eyebrow before responding.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"Uh, no. But I'm a good friend of his."

The lady looked at him for a second--like she was deep in her thoughts.

"Alright. His office is on the top floor, but he might be busy." She smiled and pointed towards the elevator.

The blond thanked her with a bow and made his way towards the elevator.

He raised his hand to knock on the door when a rush of doubt and nervousness went through his whole body.

His heartbeat started speeding up and he stood there, with his hand close to the door yet he didn't knock.

Come on, Tae. Just do it.

He swallowed the big lump in his throat and carefully knocked on the big charcoal black wooden door, one hand clutching onto the hem of his shirt.

"Come in."

Taehyung grabbed the door knob and turned it. He took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping inside.

"What do you-" Jeongguk looked up and was stunned to see the blond standing there, biting his lip and avoiding his gaze, that looked both surprised and a glint of hope flashing through his dark orbs.

"Taehyung?" Jeongguk stood up as the blond closed the door and looked down at his fidgeting hands. "What are you doing here?" He asked and tried to hide the small smile threatening to appear. He wanted to run over and take the smaller into his embrace and never let go.

"I..um..I needed to tell you something. But it can wait if you're busy." The blond uttered, not wanting to disturb him or seem annoying.

"No, It's fine. I'm not busy." I'm never to busy for you. Jeongguk leaned against the desk and waited for Taehyung to speak and the sight made the blond gulp.

Jeongguk looked extremely good, his suit pants pressing against his strong thighs, His button-up shirt folded up his sleeves, revealing his strong lower arms and what looked like a sleeve of tattoos on one of them. Not to mention his hair styled nicely.

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