6. Two lines

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"Taehyung!" the voice made him turn around and smile at the person calling him.

"Morning, Ha-eun." The girl reached him and gave him a hug. "I've got a secret to tell you." She stated excitedly, making the blond curious.

"Well what is it?" He stopped and looked at her with big eyes, making her giggle at his cuteness. "Promise not to tell anyone?" Ha-eun held out her pinky finger for Taehyung to take, which he did, swearing he wouldn't share it with anyone.

"I think I'm in love with someone." She whispered with a shy smile, making Taehyung gasp. "Who is it? Jackson? Mingyu? A girl?" He started naming people but she shook her head at every single one.

"No silly. It's Jungkook." She uttered causing taehyung's expression to falter completely. "What?" He had to make sure he was hearing right.

"Jungkook. I know you guys are close friends-" She started and Taehyung did everything he could to avoid her eyes and hoping she wouldn't notice his eyes shining with tears already threatening to fall.

"- and I thought that maybe you could help me get with him?" She smiled brightly and even thought it broke Taehyung's heart, he agreed, wanting to see his best friend happy.

"Sure. I'd love to. You guys would be so cute together." He responded and showing her a sincere smile even though it didn't reach his eyes.

"Thank you so much, Tae. You're such a good friend!" She hugged him happily and started talking about all the amazing things about Jungkook oblivious of her best friend's sad expression and broken heart.


This can't be. It just can't. How'd this happen? Taehyung kept staring at the items in front of him whilst tears streamed down his face.

He sat down on the floor and leaned against the bathroom door, hugging his legs tightly against his body.

How could he let this happen? He knew it would have consequences, but this? God was just being so cruel.

Was he so wrong for putting himself and his own needs first for once in his whole life? All he wanted was to feel the love he had longed for from that one person for so long and this was his punishment?

He wasn't prepared or ready for this. He'd be terrible at it. And he'd be all alone.

"Taehyung? Please answer me..." A voice called from outside the bathroom door. Taehyung slowly stood back up and opened the door. He looked at the person with red, puffy eyes and the person immediately understood. It was his idea to check after all.

"What am I gonna do, Minnie?" Taehyung's voice was horse and broken as the sobs continued leaving his mouth.

"Oh, baby..." Jimin pulled him into a tight hug and softly stroked his hair, letting Taehyung break down in his arms. Jimin brought him towards the couch and sat him down, still hugging him securely.

"W-why does this have to happen?" The blond cried out to his best friend since after college.

"It's going to be okay, Tae. I promise." Jimin kept on speaking soft reassuring words in an attempt to make the other stop crying.

After a while, Taehyung slowly started breathing more evenly and relaxing. His body was so tired from all the crying and he soon drifted off to sleep in his best friend's arms.

Jimin looked at his red and puffy face with a sad expression. "I'm so sorry you have to go through this, tae..You really don't deserve it." He softly kissed Taehyung's forehead, before laying him properly down on the couch and pulling a blanket over him.

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