"You're a good girl Anastasia. I don't want men taking advantage of you", he whispered and got to his feet. I was still rosy and flustered. "Are you okay?", he smirked and I almost collapse. "Yes", I whisper . His smile never fades as he moves back to his seat.

"That'll be all , Ms Cora ", he opened up his laptop and dived straight into work. I gulp , nod my head and leave his office.

What - the hell!

He barely touched me and I'm panting ! I feel like one of those novel girls who blushes for dumb shit. This isn't some book. This is a place of work. He's my boss ! A married man...

Sitting down behind my desk , I pull out my phone to see a message from Anthony. HE FINALLY TEXTED !

Anthony : going out tonight.
Want to join?

Me : yes please ♡.

Anthony : I'll send you
the location. Have a friend
drop you after work.

I thought he ran off and left me behind! Who will drop me? I need to take a cab ofcourse. He knows I don't have friends and Brianna travels with someone else. I refuse to burden them.

Placing down my phone, I lower my gaze to the inked mark above my knee. Gliding my thumb across it , my heart starts to race again. His fingers felt great gripping my thigh.


You are not your mother. Don't even go there. I push those horrid thoughts aside and go on with my work. Today felt like a drag.

17 : 48 pm

A bar.

That's were he wanted me to meet him. I fumble around in my purse, searching for my wallet. What the heck ? I had it this morning.

The breeze doesn't help when it blows my skirt and I drop my purse , holding down the skirt which made me frown.

"Need I say anything?".


Looking over my shoulder, I find him smiling at what just happened. "Not at all sir", I grit my teeth , going to bend over to pick my purse but he beats me to it. "Waiting for your boyfriend?", he asked , handing me my purse. "Thank you and no. I'm searching for my wallet. I need to catch a cab ", I go back to digging in it. It's probably in my desk.

"I can give you a ride ", he offered again. I look up through my lashes and he smiles. He was so handsome. The way his hair falls over his forehead, almost covering those sparkling eyes. "Well?", he said and I nod my head, "yes thank you", I smile back and follow him to his car.


Why did I expect a conversation?

The man was silent. My eyes remained on the misty windows as the rains had burst forth. The traffic was claustrophobic as usual. My hands tug at my skirt , trying to warm my cold skin. Now and then I'd glance at the heater button, wishing he'd just turn it on.

"You okay?", his voice broke my train of sobbing thoughts. "Oh yes ", I smile awkwardly. "Are you cold ?", he looked at my thighs then my face. "N-no", I lie. Why? God knows. I didn't need him lecturing me about my clothing choices again.

"You sure?", he removed one hand from the steering and quickly placed the back of his hand against my ice thigh. "Mr Alexander", I whisper, burning up again. He removed his hand and turned on the heater. Why was he being so touchy ? He was making me nervous. "Next time -", he looked over at me and I knew what was coming.

Next time wear longer skirts!

"Next time just ask and I'll turn it on", he trailed off ,looking back at the road.

Turn what on? My cheeks felt like they were on fire. I have seen him flirt with many staff girls during this month but was he trying that on me? I AM NOT INTERESTED!

"Will you be okay if I left you here ?" , he stopped the car across the bar and I give a nod , unbuckling my seat belt. "Thank you Mr Alexander", I smile shyly , grabbing my purse . "You can call me Reece outside of work ". Oh. The way he said his name was so - satisfying.

"Thank you Reece", I blush and I'm sure he noticed because he grinned , flashing his perfect teeth and boxy smile ,which I rarely witness.

"Take this -", he reached in the back seat , pulling his coat. "No ,no ! I am fine ", I declined, knowing my boyfriend will have a raging fit. "You'll get a cold ", he deadpanned. "I'll be okay ", I push open the door and he sighed. "I'll see you at work ", he waved as I shut the door and ran across the street which was surprisingly not busy. My ankles almost snap at the rate I ran to get out of the rain.

Once I'm at the bar door , I brush my outfit and look back at the clear sight. He was gone.

18 : 39 pm

"You're late ".

Hailey watched as he strode around the island and opened the fridge. She put down the wooden spoon and switched off the stove. "I made your favorite-", she smiled and rushed to hug him. "Why did you show up at work?", he rejected her hug. The smile falls from her face and she pouted. "To see my husband ", she crossed her arms over her chest.

"You see me at home. Please do not show up just to make sure I'm being loyal", he deadpanned, popping open the soda. "Excuse me? I came because I miss you", she snapped, close to tears. "Yeah?", he ignored her miserable face and paced to the exit.

"She's a cute assistant ", her words made him halt. The soda bubbling in his mouth.
"Is that why you're ignoring your wife and not fucking me like you use to?". The tears make their way down her rosy cheeks.

Reece shakes his head and leaves the kitchen. What the fuck was she accusing him of?

He never looked at Anastasia in that way.

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