When Atlas met Niel when he got chased by his classmates he could see the hurt and fear in his eyes, which he tried to cover up so badly. And again he saw the sadness in his eyes when Niel's father, Peter, had cast him out.

The big Alpha hoped he could find joy in those ash-grey orbs one day. A joy that he would bring into the teenager's life.

"It's just h-hard for m-me, okay? I-I didn't- just..." Niel couldn't find the words. He didn't want to talk about it, his anxiety became worse and the tried to flee. Niel put his hands on Atlas' arms trying to pry them off.

"Hey, hey, hey, nobody is going to hurt you," Atlas whispered soothingly. "Nobody is going to judge you. I only want to help you, but I can see it's too much to ask right now." The Alpha put his arms tighter around his mate and kissed the crown of his head.

Niel calmed down and whispered, "I think... it's because of my dad. He...I was afraid I would either get into trouble looking directly at him or that I would see the disappointment in his eyes and... and I wanted neither so I didn't look him in the eyes... Soon after I would do that with anyone who I didn't want to disappoint and eventually it turned into anyone who would stand in front of me."

The teenager could hear his mate sigh. He was afraid of his response. "Oh, Niel..." A comfortable silence fell after that. The two of them remained in the armchair in each other brace.

After a while, Atlas carefully stood up and so did Niel. The Alpha took the tv remote and sat back down again and pulled his mate in his lap again. As he started the movie he said, "You will only find love in my eyes for you, my beloved."

The two of them started to watch the movie together in peace, this went on for twenty minutes until Niel grew restless. "You don't like the movie?" Atlas asked.

The teenager shrugged his shoulders. "Do you want another movie?" He shrugged again and finally said, "I just don't like movies that much."

Atlas pretended he was greatly offended and gasped. "How could you not like movies?!"

"Just don't like them."

"Any movie?"

Niel nodded his head. "Any movie."

"Marvel movies?"

Niel shook his head.

"The Titanic?"

Niel shook his head.


Niel shook his head again.

"Hmm, what about tv shows? Do you watch them?" Atlas asked. Hoping that the teenager would say yes. Television was his form of leisure and he wanted to enjoy that with his mate.

"I don't like them much, but they are easier to watch."

"Why is that?"

"It's just hard to pay attention for so long with movies, tv shows are a bit shorter, thus easier to watch."

Atlas hummed, understanding what he was saying. "So if you don't really watch anything, what do you do in your free time? Are you a reader, you rather make up the movie inside your head? Is that it?"

The teenager's face grimaced. "No, I don't like to read either."

"What has become of the young these days?" Atlas muttered.

"Are you calling yourself old?" Niel quirked up a brow.

The Alpha eye's widened. He was surprised by his mate's wit. "Did you just make a joke, Niel?" He laughed. Niel laughed with him.

When their laughter died down they both turned their attention to the movie that was playing, The Great Gatsby. Atlas liked the book better, but the movie was great for when he wasn't in the mood to do more reading than he already did for his work.

"So what is that you do?" Atlas finally whispered.

Niel shrugged. "I train and I like to listen to music."

"That's it?" Niel nodded. "What genres do you listen to?"

"Not really any, I mostly listen to Queen and sad music." Queen had been Niel's favorite band since he was a young boy. His mother liked a couple of their songs when she was his age and that's how the band was introduced in the Johnson household.

Niel had become quite obsessive about Freddie Mercury when he was ten. He wanted to have long hair like him, wanted to play the piano like him, and even wanted to wear the big heels as Freddie did in the seventies. Of course, his parents, mostly his father, disapproved and even grew concerned. When the young Othniel noticed he hid his excitement for the band and the obsession faded.

The only thing that Niel could do to be more like Freddie than playing the piano. His parents had one at home, and when he expressed his desire to learn to his mother, Camilla encouraged him. She was happy her son had more interests than sports.

It was after Florance's death Niel stopped playing the piano and Queen's music was placed in the background. Sad music became dominant in Niel's playlists. It was only in these sad songs that the teenager could grieve over his loss.

"I should really mix up that culture palate of yours. If you let me of course." Atlas chuckled.

Niel faced his mate and whispered, "Maybe."

The couple locked eyes, it was such an innocent moment. Atlas didn't think twice, leaned forward, and kissed his beloved mate. Niel was surprised, having no idea what to do. He didn't resist and put his trust in Atlas. He let him take the lead and Niel followed. 

As His World Changed (MxM)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz